The Forum Post Exchange

Tim Davis

Exchange Posts With Other Message Board Owners

This is an experiment in posting exchanges folks. I've seen it a couple of times before, but the exchange owners apparently didn't have the stick-to-it-ness to keep them running. I've been an webmaster since the late 1990's, and always intend to see through what I start.

All someone need do is create a free account, introduce themselves, then make a posting offer. All of it is on the barter system and doesn't cost a dime. The only criteria is that the posts are civil and worthy of exchange.

The URL is and I invite all to give it a try.

I have a Xenforo site called PCIM which I'm hoping to exchange posts for...
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I don't understand what it is

What is a posting offer?

Also impossible to read as the social icons on the left overlap the text
I don't understand what it is

What is a posting offer?

Also impossible to read as the social icons on the left overlap the text

You exchange making posts with other sites...

You make an agreement with say site C to make 5 posts a week. You go make 5 posts on their forum and then the person you made an agreement with makes 5 posts on yours.
It's especially handy for new forums wanting to generate real traffic.

Ah, OK. Doesn't seem that real though, a bit like paying people to post.

And as most forums seem to have a niche, then there's good chance you'd get people posting who know nothing about your niche. And if they do, then they would be competitors. Still, an interesting concept.
It would be a tool that would be one of many to get a forum up and running from a fresh start or even a re-start.
Ah, OK. Doesn't seem that real though, a bit like paying people to post.
Well, I'm not a salesman, nor a showman. But I have participated in many post trades, even some comment trades of blogs, and it is effective in making food for the search engines with fresh content, if you make some wise trades and put meaningful content in your own obligation.

I think maybe, I ought to make a trial section before anyone can trade posts to see if they would be worthy members. Otherwise, you'll wind up with threads like "What's your favorite color" instead of them taking part in the conversations that are actually there.
Otherwise, you'll wind up with threads like "What's your favorite color" instead of them taking part in the conversations that are actually there.

So on my forum it might be:

Have you found any acoustical differences between the Silverstein Cryogenic ligature and the Rovner platinum one-screw?

Not really, but I do think orange is a lovely colour
I do love banter systems. That is why you start with a small agreement first.. Like say 5 posts, if the other party doesn't pan out, having to had made 5 posts on his site isn't that much of a lose then.
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