The error message is in the JavaScript console.


Well-known member
The following error occurred
The server responded with an error. The error message is in the JavaScript console.

Since the upgrade to 1.2.1 we cannot start a PC.
Downloaded and uploaded the whole upgrade package.
Uninstalled Resource Manager.
Cleared browser cache.
Used another browser.

The problem insist.

if ($emailIsRtl)
            $__bodyHtml = preg_replace_callback('/<rtlcss>(.*)<\/rtlcss>/sU', function ($matches)
                return XenForo_Template_Helper_RightToLeft::getRtlCss($matches[1]);
            }, $__bodyHtml);
Line 362:
$__bodyHtml = preg_replace_callback('/<rtlcss>(.*)<\/rtlcss>/sU', function ($matches)
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It works,Mike.

I've had two error dialog message boxes when posting - it says the error message is in the javascript console.
Both posts were successful though so it seems to be cosmetic.
Make that three - it happened again.

That came from one of the members before patching mail.php.
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