[TH] Social Groups [Deleted]

I'm having some trouble setting up my permissions. Here's what I have:

Options page

Registered Users (Usergroup Permissions)

Registered Users (Social Group Node Permissions)

Basically, I want users to be able to (for example) edit the title of only the group(s) they create or moderate. However, it seems that it's either all or nothing when I set up permissions--either they have creator/moderator power for all groups (not just the ones they create), or power in none. I've been trying many variations of the settings but just can't get it right.

It's entirely possible I'm setting it all up wrong. Help would be appreciated. :)
@mistypants, the image you have sent is cut off just where it matters, so I can't see if your settings are correct.

The option you need to have set correctly is the 'Edit social forum' option, which should be set as follows:

You then also need to make sure that they haven't been given that permission in your node/user group/user permissions. From the images above, you appear to have this set correctly.

Unfortunately, there is no separate permission for editing the different parts of the group -- they can either edit all the title, description, style override etc., or they can edit nothing.

Hope this makes sense.
@mistypants, the image you have sent is cut off just where it matters, so I can't see if your settings are correct.

The option you need to have set correctly is the 'Edit social forum' option, which should be set as follows:
View attachment 48560

You then also need to make sure that they haven't been given that permission in your node/user group/user permissions. From the images above, you appear to have this set correctly.

Unfortunately, there is no separate permission for editing the different parts of the group -- they can either edit all the title, description, style override etc., or they can edit nothing.

Hope this makes sense.
Woops, don't know why that happened. But Edit social forum was checked for Creators only, I checked it for Moderators also and had my users check and all is as it should be.

I was going off of the test permissions function in the ACP, does that work for checking things like editing social groups?
Woops, don't know why that happened. But Edit social forum was checked for Creators only, I checked it for Moderators also and had my users check and all is as it should be.

I was going off of the test permissions function in the ACP, does that work for checking things like editing social groups?
It should do, although I haven't actually tested it.
Is there a reason why posts within social groups are not adding to my overall board post count total?
Could be one of a number of reasons:
  • In the settings for your Social Category, you have set it to not count posts towards your overall board post count total
  • You have not waited for the Rebuild Board Totals Counter cron entry to run before checking the board post count total
I have confirmed that this is not a bug.

Edit: Oops, there is no such option in the settings for Social Category. Only for user posts.
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My settings are all good to go, and we made a post in there last night just to for testing purposes. It still has not added to the post total of our board :(
This add-on uses the normal thread/post system and doesn't change anything in relation to post counts. It behaves exactly like a normal forum in this regard.

Do you have another add-on installed that might be affecting post counts?
Possibly, I installed your social groups notices mod as well. And I dont think that is working properly either as I have configured the notices for that, and they are not wanting to show.
Here is a link to one of our social groups: http://www.optiksgaming.com/social-forums/2/
Does everything look how it should from your standpoint?
The board totals count is just a sum of all the cached counts that appear on the main forums list. It seems that that count is 1 post short, so that would affect the full board count.

You can fix this by rebuilding the Social Forums cache and then rebuilding the Forums cache by going to:
Admin Control Panel -> Tools -> Rebuild Caches
Hi Waindigo, I've imported my social groups from vB to this via something I wrote, however I notice some pages get unusually large with a huge number of groups. Will there be an option to browse groups by pages or sort by groups? :)
Hi Waindigo, I've imported my social groups from vB to this via something I wrote, however I notice some pages get unusually large with a huge number of groups. Will there be an option to browse groups by pages or sort by groups? :)
This is on our to-do list (which is a very big list for this add-on), but we always prioritise features that people contribute towards and, as yet, no-one has actually contributed towards this feature. If this really important to you, please consider contributing or making a donation to the charity in our signature.
Does anyone know what:

Undefined index: user_group_permissions

Would be caused by and how to fix it?

I am the admin of the forums and I stickied a social group and now get:


and also when I try to delete a thread, through moderator tools I get:


Edit: found out the second bug is related to social user groups, so removed for now - as they weren't working anyway, as in couldn't add more usergroups for some reason :(
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Social Groups Moderator Permissions - Add user to social forum.
So in the dropdown on the forum I select - Add user to social forum,
and enter name of user in a box.
User is joined.
However the user's usergroup might not allow them to Join social forum - this is an override.

This means admin or moderator can organise social forum groups - work teams perhaps.
@Waindigo - yes this is a suggestion which I think would be useful to others too.

I would say that if you do make it so Moderators can add users to a specific Social Group, that perhaps there should be some sort of confirmation on the users part? Like I hate when people add me to Facebook groups and I really don't care about the topic or want to be a part of it.
I would say that if you do make it so Moderators can add users to a specific Social Group, that perhaps there should be some sort of confirmation on the users part? Like I hate when people add me to Facebook groups and I really don't care about the topic or want to be a part of it.
An invite feature already exists.
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