[TH] NoForo [Deleted]

OK need to know basis .... accept.

Jon ok Search on Library Articles is there and I found out how to add fields to the Contact form.
The only other thing left so I can do
Noforo + Nodes As Tabs + ToggleMe + Library = complete static website
is Whats New? for Library and attach doc/rtf/pdf.

So please stop doing the man gossip thing and tell me WHEN you're going to do that stuff. I mean I know you're now the big star and it's all forgotten that it was ME wot introduced you to XF but I think you could just be a gent now and take pity for heavens sake .... grumble mumble ....
The forumless forum.
It's just an idea.
Forums aren't entirely useful if you want to Get Something Done / make useful information. They are for back and forth "chit chat". Over time, the information value of both threads and forums degrades. Information becomes hard to find. Forum searching is horrible across the board, so the information dies. Wikis aren't the solution ... they are sterile and boring and people don't contribute. The forumless forum solves these problems.

I am thinking of funding / developing some addons / internet software ... ideas like the forumless forum. Just waiting to see what the New Year brings to Xenforo before I decide what to do. I've been running Wordpress on a localhost and seeing if the forumless forum is better suited to Wordpress. Or CodeIgniter. Just researching. I am even more interested as vBulletin 5 sucks hard. vBulletin 5 is an attempt to be less forum like ... and is a total failure.


Edit - I'm probably going to start small .... and just fund an addon. :) Like a baby step to the forumless forum.
My vision is different, I'd minimize / junk the User Profiles too.
So in your forumless forum .... What are you going to add first ?

not sure what kind of idea was in my head at that time..... long time ago. Well, I was thinking of some kind of matchmaking stuff at that time... so the idea of having user-profiles at the Homepage.
But today I am thinking more of an image-sharing-bookmarking interface at the Homepage.
I would not junk the profiles though. Junking the profiles would be something like Wikipedia as you describe above ("they are sterile and boring and people don't contribute....").
So please stop doing the man gossip thing and tell me WHEN you're going to do that stuff. I mean I know you're now the big star and it's all forgotten that it was ME wot introduced you to XF but I think you could just be a gent now and take pity for heavens sake .... grumble mumble ....
But I don't wanna!

Seriously though, I think adding library articles to the existing What's New page is a bad idea and the What's New page gets deleted by NoForo anyway, so not really much help with your grand plan.

Perhaps a 'What's New Plus by Waindigo' add-on (that supports Library + NoForo) would be a better idea?
Seriously though, I think adding library articles to the existing What's New page is a bad idea
:cry: (this is my fist time using the cry icon).
Adding Articles with comments to What's New is a huge win.
Traffic = Keeps articles alive.
If you want articles that are out of date and not read ..... they don't add them to What's new !
Up to Date articles = Good content = Google Love = Win Win Win.

Tip: The only reason our Beloved Resource section is even useful is the discussion threads that keep them alive !!!!! I think they debuted with a disjointed discussion .... and after major complaining ... Mike fixed it !
Could you somehow use this as the front, with say Bob's excellent Showcase Mod, and then have forums over there somewhere... so front end has no forum stuff, but looks and feels like a content driven web site, and then the forums are secondary, on the Nav though but still exist?

Wonderful idea to use Xenforo as the Guts of a site, I have long thought the guys should have developed that a bit further, so you had a core, and then all the cool whizz bang modules including the forums hanging off it.
The add-on completely removes all forums so, as it is, no, you couldn't do that.

You'd have to do something like Adam suggested which is have two licenses. One, running only NoForo plus whatever other add-ons you want on the front end, then a second installation running XenForo with SSO running between the two installs.
Why wouldn't you just have a CMS add-on that was part of your core forum software? One license, no bridge, no single sign on. Just a fully integrated package.

This is not a solution for a CMS.
Because currently there is no such acceptable add-on..... Unless you're developing it? lol :p

XenPorta is very limited and offers no real user interaction (it's a basic portal and not really a true CMS). The other portal hasn't be updated and again is simply, just a portal.

With regards to the CMS my refusal to accept it as a solution is more with regards to the solution as it was proposed by Adam.

Of course it can be a CMS. The framework you're left with after all the forum stuff is gone is incredibly powerful and can be used to develop fantastic applications.

The solution as proposed by Adam, however, that requires two licenses, single sign on and probably bridging various bits of data between the two systems is mad. If, however, you want a CMS that doesn't want or need a forum system then yeah, of course, it'll be awesome.
It all depends on your needs.

vBulletin for example has a very poor CMS design (compared to what could be done easily with XenForo). But if you use it; your members are greeted by it and have the option to also sign-in directly from the CMS and even comment on a few things (comments on CMS post) and publish their own material. This also allows you to use multi-pule domain names and / or sub-domains.

One man's crazy is another man's sanity and visa versa
Wonderful idea to use Xenforo as the Guts of a site, I have long thought the guys should have developed that a bit further, so you had a core, and then all the cool whizz bang modules including the forums hanging off it.

I think that's a great architecture Shelley - so forums, polls, signatures, media embedding, frontend node tree, memberlist, Conversations, profile pages, Help, breadcrumbs , sidebar - plus (paid) Enhanced Search, Resources... could all be modular official components. You enable the components you want.
Wonderful (not sure what that looks like from the dev point of view, but it would be amazing flexibility for XF marketing)

I dont get your idea of having forums but not having them though. I dont think that is Noforo. You coulod do that with NodesAsTabs - create a home link to eg Showcase or whatever, and redirect the site URL to that; and the forums are just there as normal on the navbar.

The rest of this post is about the relationship between Library and Whats New - a crucial issue if Library is to service content on a Noforo site. I did think of starting a new thread about it as it's not of interest if you want to use Noforo with eg XF Pages. B ut then deciding on how to service Noforo page content is centrally relevant to this potentially MEGA addon Noforo.


Jon has revealed Noforo disables What's New? - I think that should be optional - if content is done by XF Pages then Whats New? remains useful as a site update feature.

:cry: (this is my fist time using the cry icon).
Adding Articles with comments to What's New is a huge win.
Traffic = Keeps articles alive.
If you want articles that are out of date and not read ..... they don't add them to What's new !
Up to Date articles = Good content = Google Love = Win Win Win.
Tip: The only reason our Beloved Resource section is even useful is the discussion threads that keep them alive !!!!! I think they debuted with a disjointed discussion .... and after major complaining ... Mike fixed it !

Jon's views are crucial here and there's no point in trying to push him into what he doesnt want. He's a norther you know! Stubborn Vikinga ancestry and a male to boot.
Seriously Jon's views and skills do need to be central to how this is developed, obviously, as we need him to DO it, and I also know his integrity as a skilled programmer analyst is very thorny. Which in terms of professional perfectionism is fine though awkward on receiving end at times.
But something is needed if this amazing Noforo initiative, and indeed Library itself, is to function really well.

So Dig Doc I absolutely agree. My Library content is a DEAD AREA because users dont get it coming up on What's New. That is simply how my users use the site - a visit means checking Whats New.
The only way the Library comes alive at all is when there's a linked forum thread. BUT by no means all Library Articles need one.
EVEN if they do I have to write the Article, write its preview, AND write its starter post ASKING people to go read the article. Yuck.
PLUS the thread can be very short lived - many other distractions push them away on Whats New because there are a lot more ordinary forum threads than Library ones - a Library thread takes longer to get started because an Article is rarely like a shortie post. It's more deliberate, better edited, more often has media.
PLUS what about if I add a page to an Article - I have to manually post to its thread begging people to go read it! Yuck.
I tried ppuuting manual links in my sidebar, and on the navbar to my Libraries. No effect.
The only thing that hya\s a bit of effect is I make Guide pages in a Help Library and link them in various places. All manual, link by link again.

But I don't wanna!
Seriously though, I think adding library articles to the existing What's New page is a bad idea and the What's New page gets deleted by NoForo anyway, so not really much help with your grand plan.
Perhaps a 'What's New Plus by Waindigo' add-on (that supports Library + NoForo) would be a better idea?

Ok you don't wanna. Accepted. But we need to understand more why that is so we can work with you to design a workaround that makes you and us happy.
So - why is adding library articles to the existing What's New page a bad idea TO YOU when to US it seems a survival essential for Library, for its own sake AND as a partner to Noforo?

Gulp - What's New gets deleted by Noforo? Oh no - because Pages - or whatever content medium a Noforo site uses is going to be desirable on a What's New. I could see some sites not wanting it but most sites want to say what theior latest pages are. Could that be optional?

What's New Plus by Waindigo' add-on (that supports Library + NoForo) sounds interesting. As usual you don't bother to explain yourself up on the Olympian heights of a Lord of Code.
Depends a lot how it displays.
Maybe a sidebar block with the current What's New? and twinning it "Latest Articles"
Then Latest Articles would need to appear on the secondary navlinks bar wherever Whats New? does.
It would also need to appear PROMINENTLY on the What's New page itself so it's training users to remember it as a What's New partner.
People like me would have template tweak headaches - like I have a very useful What's New? button sitting on the end of the Breadcrumbs bar top and bottom. Another button? Spoils what has been an elegant and powerful "see it everywhere" solution that takes up very little space.
It's all a bit elaborate and asks me to manually manage it in my sidebar, and anywhere else I put What's New, plus any What's New design locations like my breadcrumb button - all because the Latest Articles function is not included in Whats New.
Lastly users are LAZY and INEPT and FORGET. They'll click Whats New and SOME might think oh yes must chreck out Latest Articles too. 10 mins later they're well away into catching up on threads and Latest Articles wareness has evaporated.

So with all this grief on a separate What's New for articles plus the poor wilted state of library articles anyway, we really need to know why you have issues with an integrated solution.
I thought a major point of Library was that a Library is like a forum, and an Article is like a thread with its pages like posts. So that suggests it should behave compatibly with Whats New.

Over to you Jon the floor is yours.

I think that's a great architecture Shelley - so forums, polls, signatures, media embedding, frontend node tree, memberlist, Conversations, profile pages, Help, breadcrumbs , sidebar - plus (paid) Enhanced Search, Resources... could all be modular official components. You enable the components you want.
Wonderful (not sure what that looks like from the dev point of view, but it would be amazing flexibility for XF marketing)

I dont get your idea of having forums but not having them though. I dont think that is Noforo. You coulod do that with NodesAsTabs - create a home link to eg Showcase or whatever, and redirect the site URL to that; and the forums are just there as normal on the navbar.

LOL, I am not quite Shelley, but yeah it would be great if that happened in the future!

You might be right, I will investigate that, but it does mean another Add on, I am not a fan of having a lot (or many at all actually) I know how to create a new Tab without a mod, might be able to do something.. dunno, still would like a NoForo front end though, somehow... I do have multiple licenses.
LOL, I am not quite Shelley, but yeah it would be great if that happened in the future!

You might be right, I will investigate that, but it does mean another Add on, I am not a fan of having a lot (or many at all actually) I know how to create a new Tab without a mod, might be able to do something.. dunno, still would like a NoForo front end though, somehow... I do have multiple licenses.

Apologies - was just waking up - blood sugar! I do have very distinct IDs in mjy head for the two of you!

Yes I know we can make a Tab but NodesAsTabs means having all the secondaries too as dropdown by making an extra template of my own. Also by using Link Forums it really gets fun - the whole site architecture goes under your control.

I just dont get it though - Noforo is all about NOT having forums!
Maybe ask Jon to make an Altforo which lets you select what appears on the front page - What's New, a gallery, a blog, the memberlist, some Notices, an addon like Showpiece, or a shop, or whatever. Hey Jon hope you had a NICE rest over midwinter!
To be honest, it isn't all that difficult to set anything else as your home page.

I think you could use Jake's Route Changer add-on.

Something like:

showcase -> index
index -> forum

(Or some such combination).

That would in theory set showcase as your index, and it would set the current index (i.e. the forum home) to forum
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