[TH] Invitation [Deleted]

I would get this add-on if it had a top invitation side bar, and the ability to award trophies for reaching more than one mile stone with invites. Just a cool visually looking feature that showcases the most active invitees to the site. This will help you keep track on the front end, plus show other people who is really pulling members to the site.

@oO5 Dynasty I'll pop in a feature request, I can't guarantee it'll be added but we will review the request :)

@ThemeHouse wrong version here:

<addon addon_id="adinvitation" title="[AD] Invitations" version_string="1.1.0" version_id="1001000" url="https://www.audentio.com/" install_callback_class="Audentio_Invitation_Listener_Install"

@Joe Link I'll check if this has been noted internally for fixing, thanks for the heads up!

I think invite system has a bug, when I set in permissions for regular members to have the invite in drop down in user control panel none of the users can see the link at all.

@Robert Would you mind dropping in a ticket for this so that we can investigate that further?

i submit a ticket
waiting your response
Ticket ID #5390

Looks like we got this all sorted @nadorhoster following the holiday, apologies for the short delay on that one.

When are we going to see a list in he ACP of monthly referrals. I feel it unnecessary to scrape my database every-time I run a referral contest.

Nice suggestion, makes sense! @Zachary Ball again I'll add a feature request to see if this is something we can come up with.

Hello! There is a problem.

After registration, users constantly receive the error message.


"The field 'inventation_code_id' was not recognised" -
Where is this field?

How can I delete all invitations?

As a user, not currently possible. As an administrator you can run this query in phpMyAdmin:
TRUNCATE TABLE `adinvitation_invitation`;

Just note, this will delete all invitations. Completed, and pending
Im using [AD] Invitations, appear to have permissions set correctly but invite link wont show in the drop down unless user visits the invite page first
is it possible to add comma seperated emails to send to a list of people at once?
You enter an email in and click 'Add Email' next to the field and it lets you enter as many as you want for a single invitation :)
Im using [AD] Invitations, appear to have permissions set correctly but invite link wont show in the drop down unless user visits the invite page first
That is currently by design as it stores the information in the database so a large amount of information that may never be used by some users wouldn't be ideal, so simply visiting the invitations is the best solution.
I need help! Since the update to 1.1.2 Im having this issue when the user fill the data and then click on register:

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