[TH] Donate - Multi-campaign manager [Deleted]

Spoke too soon. When someone tries to make a donation they get the following error:

Server Error Log
Error Info
XenForo_Exception: Invalid model 'bdPaygate_Model_Processor' specified - library/XenForo/Model.php:192
Generated By: (me), A moment ago
Stack Trace
#0 /var/www/www.(SITE).com/htdocs/forum/library/XenForo/Controller.php(101): XenForo_Model::create('bdPaygate_Model...')
#1 /var/www/www.(SITE).com/htdocs/forum/library/Audentio/DonationManager/ControllerPublic/Donation.php(221): XenForo_Controller->getModelFromCache('bdPaygate_Model...')
#2 /var/www/www.(SITE).com/htdocs/forum/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(347): Audentio_DonationManager_ControllerPublic_Donation->actionPay()
#3 /var/www/www.(SITE).com/htdocs/forum/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#4 /var/www/www.(SITE).com/htdocs/forum/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#5 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(104) "http://www.(SITE).com/forum/donations/(DRIVE NAME).3/donate?donation=1095"
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["donation"] => string(4) "1095"
["_POST"] => array(0) {

Installed as instructed, migrated as per @Jake B. 's post above. All seemed to be well until I tried to process a donation.

Still, loving this *so* much more than the old system. Anyone still on the old "alternative" would do well to take a long hard look at this.

That error indicates that 'bdPaygate_Model_Processor' does not exist, which means you likely do not have [bd] PayGates installed :)
That error indicates that 'bdPaygate_Model_Processor' does not exist, which means you likely do not have [bd] PayGates installed :)

Aha, which is a necessary dependency, I'm guessing. Sorry, trying to do this in the middle of moving into a new home. I'm off to install that as well, no harm in doing it after the fact?

Am also not seeing where to set thank you messages, and whether or not I can include a link to the discussion thread about a given drive in the description (Robbo's allowed HTML) -- but I haven't read the whole of this thread yet and will do so once able.
no harm in doing it after the fact?

Nope, everything should be fine :)

Am also not seeing where to set thank you messages, and whether or not I can include a link to the discussion thread about a given drive in the description (Robbo's allowed HTML)

This is a phrase. Can't quite recall exactly what the phrase is called, but doing a search for the default thank you text in the email should help you find it :)
Thanks so much, Jake. As I said, already loving this. The old donations system was the one part of my site that was plainly broken. It worked, at least in part, but boy was it a mess. Feels good to have some clean and properly maintained and supported code in there, no file check alerts, etc.
If I may make one suggestion -- I would *love* to be able to display the highlighted goal on the forumhome only to users who aren't already donors, and/or only for X number of loads. Obviously that's either a bell or a whistle and not a major feature everyone would use, so I'm just tossing it out there as a "it would be cool if" idea.
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Is it possible to make a 'premium membership' scheme out of this, with users selecting which campaign their membership helps pay for?
I just realized as I was setting things up, is there no way to have users who donate get put into a specific group?

Would be really cool if there was an option to be able to put users in groups based on the amount they have donated.
i wanna know how does this work?
"If you want to offer sustaining member plans, you can! $100 one-time fee is an amazing donation, but $10/mo is less for your guest and more money for the organization long term. Users can cancel their membership at any time."
i wanna know how does this work?
"If you want to offer sustaining member plans, you can! $100 one-time fee is an amazing donation, but $10/mo is less for your guest and more money for the organization long term. Users can cancel their membership at any time."
There is a check box for the user to choose recurring payment.
Hey @Jake B. and @Audentio Design

Myself and another user received an error after donating. Something like "press back, refresh and try again".
The money has been received, but in the donation manager, it still displays Earned: $0

Any idea?
Hey @Jake B. and @Audentio Design

Myself and another user received an error after donating. Something like "press back, refresh and try again".
The money has been received, but in the donation manager, it still displays Earned: $0

Any idea?
I'm having the same issue

Which gateway are you using? Also, can you check your [bd] Paygates transaction log and see if any errors are displayed?

Any progress on the anonymous donations thing? Nobody can use that here as they still appear and i have no way to make it work what annoyed several people.
I've finally managed to abandon the old donation manager but I have two further questions/suggestions:
  1. Is there any easy way to move the navigation tab between the Home, Middle & End Positions without having to edit the file to do this?
  2. Is there any way to parse HTML/BBCode in the Campaign description while also hiding this info in the widgets?
Thanks and keep up the great work :cool:
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