[TH] Auto Merge Double Posts [Deleted]

Aye, TT is a necessary evil for some admins, so they have to live with the drawbacks that come with using that service.
Ok, I didn't know about that. Since I didn't find anything related to it in the forum, I thought I'll report it.
After i installed it it gives me the following error.

Exception: Could not find class KL\AutoMergeDoublePost\Pub\Controller\Thread when attempting to extend XF\Pub\Controller\Thread in src/XF/Extension.php at line 174
XF\Extension->extendClass() in src/XF/App.php at line 2366
XF\App->extendClass() in src/XF/App.php at line 1240
XF\App->XF\{closure}() in src/XF/Container.php at line 228
XF\Container->create() in src/XF/App.php at line 2322
XF\App->controller() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 211
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 89
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 41
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run() in src/XF/App.php at line 1891
XF\App->run() in src/XF.php at line 328
XF::runApp() in index.php at line 13

Any help?
Could not find class KL\AutoMergeDoublePost\Pub\Controller\Thread

States essentially that the file upload/src/addons/KL/AutoMergeDoublePost/Pub/Controller/Thread.php is in some form not found or could not be read. I suggest reuploading at least this one file.
Could not find class KL\AutoMergeDoublePost\Pub\Controller\Thread

States essentially that the file upload/src/addons/KL/AutoMergeDoublePost/Pub/Controller/Thread.php is in some form not found or could not be read. I suggest reuploading at least this one file.
I have checked the folders on cpanel and the files were missing indeed which is quite odd as i zipped the src folder and extracted it like i always do with addons but the files were not there when it said they were placed there. I have added them manual now
Computers have their odd phases :censored: Either way, hope everything is working now. Let me know if you run into any other issues.
Is is possible to add node-specific times? For example, i would like to have a merge time of an hour in a news section, but a merge time of 6 hours in an offtopic section.

Would love to see this being added.

Is is possible to add node-specific times? For example, i would like to have a merge time of an hour in a news section, but a merge time of 6 hours in an offtopic section.

Have you tried setting the node specific permission for the usergroups to the times you want? I actually have never worked with node specific permissions before as of yet, so I must admit I haven't had them in mind when programming this add-on and might have forgotten to add the respective code to take them into account.
Have you tried setting the node specific permission for the usergroups to the times you want? I actually have never worked with node specific permissions before as of yet, so I must admit I haven't had them in mind when programming this add-on and might have forgotten to add the respective code to take them into account.
The node specific permissions for a user group doesn't contain the auto merge permissions.
Merge messages notification is not coming.
There is no notification.
You should be merging the older post into the newer post. Then, users who already read the notification for the older post will still get a notification for the newer post. It appears you are merging the newer post into the older post, which is bad.
I don't want to see a dash between posts. How do I remove it completely?
Agree an option to remove the bbcode completely is necessary. I don't want to modify the posts, and don't want to deal with removing the codes in the distant future when this add-on is no longer available/supported.
You should be merging the older post into the newer post. Then, users who already read the notification for the older post will still get a notification for the newer post. It appears you are merging the newer post into the older post, which is bad.

The point of this add-on is to educate users to use the edit functionality rather than posting every new addition as a new post. It also is there to prevent users from pushing threads to the top of the list by adding new posts. By merging the new post into the old one, we achieve exactly this wanted behavior. We merge, because we do not want new notifications. After all, we do not want them, when a user edits his post, either. I've build in a notification for the user that his message was merged into his old one for the next version, but that's as much notifications as there will be.

Agree an option to remove the bbcode completely is necessary. I don't want to modify the posts, and don't want to deal with removing the codes in the distant future when this add-on is no longer available/supported.

Style Properties -> [KL] Auto Merge Double Post -> Extra -> Insert:
display: none;
Then the merge message will be gone. There's also a ton of handy styling properties in place.

The content of the message can be edited in phrases. The name of the phrase is kl_amdp_merge_message.
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