Terrible experience with Kansas City Host aka The Forum Heroes


It is just "hilarious": he gave a like to a post from another disappointed client (?).

He has time to come here and spray around with his "likes", when he is still unable to fix a "trivial" access to cPanel and FTP for us.

All "trivial technical" problems are already heroically solved, right? Or, maybe, they aren't so trivial for him after all?

Just another proof of and food for thought about his principles, reliability and technical abilities.
I think it's rather unfair and rude to make all these accusations without even letting him post his side of the story. There are always two sides to every story, and sometimes neither side is correct or incorrect.
I think it's rather unfair and rude to make all these accusations without even letting him post his side of the story. There are always two sides to every story, and sometimes neither side is correct or incorrect.
Well hes liked content from this thread so he has read it, with out replying. Thats not on Wol xD
Heres the post on WHT if anyone is interested:
I think it's rather unfair and rude to make all these accusations without even letting him post his side of the story. There are always two sides to every story, and sometimes neither side is correct or incorrect.

I'm not taking any sides but I'm sure Mike has been on plenty today and has had an opportunity to reply to this thread and tell his side of the story. Again not taking sides just saying.
I think it's rather unfair and rude to make all these accusations without even letting him post his side of the story. There are always two sides to every story, and sometimes neither side is correct or incorrect.

While this may be true. They/He has had more than 24 hours to issue a statement and has shown a presence in the thread. So if this was you first reply, anyone could agree. At this point it won't gain much sympathy.

Since I am finally commenting a 2 week downtime would be considered a complete and utter disaster to any real company/site. Realistically even with a decent SLA and all the monatery credits that would come from a 2 week outage, very rarely would anyone have stayed. So your position in this sort of thing is pretty clear.
I think it's rather unfair and rude to make all these accusations without even letting him post his side of the story. There are always two sides to every story, and sometimes neither side is correct or incorrect.
Those are not accusations. Those are plain facts.

Ugly, disturbing, yes. But not all facts are pretty.

Unfair and rude is to do what he had done and keeps doing to us.
We are open and transparent. Just read the very first post. We have ALL the comm's on file, including text messaging with him. We have nothing to hide. And all these will certainly be disposed to public, should there be a need. We just didn't want to make a situation uglier than it is right now. But he doesn't care.

And after that you say what you say?

Well, this thread is about OUR extremely negative experience, not YOURS. As I said: lucky you, good for you, and I sincerely wish you having a continued splendid experience with him. But certainly, with all due respect, you won't serve as a moral compass and judge us here.

All the best!

P.S. Our site is down again for more than 3 hours right now. What about yours?

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Switching as we speak. I admit, it indeed looks stupid...

I'm not taking any sides but I'm sure Mike has been on plenty today and has had an opportunity to reply to this thread and tell his side of the story. Again not taking sides just saying.

Indeed I have and I chose not too until now.. I'm done with people playing petty he said she said games and not going to allow myself to go in circles about it.. He's said himself, he's switched as we speak now, yesterday. So he's moved on, so anything posted since is just to stir up drama. I don't really feel the need to come defend myself here based on facts.. If service was this bad, after I completed the phpbb to xenforo import, why did they remain a customer almost 2 years? They suffered more outages then other customers due to massive DDoS attacks, causing their IP to be nulled, these attacks mostly came from Russia and Syria IPs. Not being able to access cPanel/FTP was caused by our firewall locking the login due to too many incorrect password attempts. That's all I have to say on the subject and I wish them better luck with their new host.
1. No need to bend my words, Mike. Switching - is present continuous, Mike, when it was written.
We paid you for a year upfront, never negotiating or trying to bargain. This payment is still with you, so till we or you call it, all what we agreed upon is in force. We didn't give any formal notice yet, so please, don't try to play it down innocent.
2. You tried, but failed to complete the phpBB to XenForo. So don't put it as if it was your achievement. It was done by www.gconverters.com. Definitely not by you. Everything is on file, Mike.
3. It is absolute nonesense to block your client from accessing the cPanel based on the "firewall excuse", like we have never reset cPanel passwords before...

First off - we lost access as a result of the server failure.
Second - when we asked you to reset this, whatever you SAID you did, never worked.
For how many days? Do I need to remind you?

4. Did DDoS attacks cause you to deny an access to our database for last half a year, until this very day?
Did DDoS attacks make you ignore our numerous messages to you?

5. We have switched DNS servers just NOW, as you left us no choice by denying an access to the DB and FTP. Still the data stored on your server is OUR data. FYI. And by denying us an access to our data, you act unprofessionally, so to speak.

What pity, unprofessional, excuses you bring. You should be embarrassed, Mike.
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5. We have switched DNS servers just NOW

I'm not going to continue going in circles with you. I just want to point out you say you updated your DNS just "NOW", but fact is by WHOIS timestamp, you did it at 8:41 this morning as it clearly shows
Updated Date: 2016-05-26T08:41:19Z as last update to your domain. Had you made the change just now as you fabricated doing, it would show as 20:41:19 for 8:41 pm.
It is not about going circles, Mike.

I admit, I may be wrong about the realistic timestamp, due to possible different time zones comm's with my co-admins from other countries / continents, who are trying to solve the situation in any possible way.

Honestly, I have no problem to admit my mishap and apologise, if that's the case.

Nevertheless, this my mishap does not cancel all yours listed above, and you know it very well.

AFAIR, switching DNS nameservers doesn't erase the current content and doesn't cancel logins and passwords on the current server. These have nothing to do with DNS.

Going by: https://metropolis.heroicservers.net:2083

... and by using the credentials you have confirmed, doesn't allow us to get to the cPanel, DB and FTP.
I admit, I may be wrong about the realistic timestamp

If you were wrong about the realistic time stamp, which you insisted you updated just "now" until it was proven it was fabricated.. What else where you wrong about and fabricating the truth on? I mean honestly, if our service was truly as bad as your trying to claim, I would think there would be far more posts and reviews about our services. With any business, there will always be someone unsatisfied, regardless how hard you try.. Sadly in this case, that is you.

AFAIR, switching DNS nameservers doesn't erase the current content and doesn't cancel logins and passwords on the current server. These have nothing to do with DNS.

What content was erased? Your entire site is intact on our servers at If it is not routing correctly now, I have no way to really troubleshoot it as your no longer using our nameservers.

As for not being able to log in? I have no idea what your doing wrong. I reset your password 5 different times via Michael's text requests earlier this week and even confirmed 1st hand I could log in to both cPanel and sftp using it.

I did not fabricate it, it was miscomms / misunderstanding, in error, and I clearly admitted it and apologised for that.

Don't use it as an excuse to cover for the rest of your own previous malfunctions.

About the rest - everything is listed in the first post of the thread, Mike. These are the facts. Want to argue with them? One by one? You are very welcome.

About the cPanel / FTP access: it really doesn't matter how many times you have reset and tried it, Mike. These 2! passwords never worked from five different IPs on our side, from different providers in USA, Canada and Israel, even after a DNS flush.

If no content was erased, then you should be able to grant us an access to it via cPanel, including the access to our database, or as a last option: provide a full! backup of our DB and file system via Dropbox or by any other means, once we confirm the data package is complete, we'll let you know to "close the case".
There needs to be a proper reviews system for people wanting to use 3rd parties from here. If @WoL had done enough research on here he would have seen countless threads not to use this provider, with @Amaury seemingly the only vocal cheerleader for him in threads (despite 3 weeks downtime lol).

I have conversations with atleast 10 former xfhost/kchosting/forumheroes clients who went through hell just like myself. A little bit of research could have avoided this mess.

Moral of the story, dont go with one man shops as 24/7 support will be nonexistant.

For all those that have experienced a "good" service level from mike, i urge you to try soneone else and then you will realise what a good, hassle free hosting experience is like.

The reality is that as soon as someone else posts a query on which host to use, amaury will once again be quick to point out to use mike, and we shall continue to see reports such as this.
provide a full! backup of our DB and file system via Dropbox or by any other means, once we confirm the data package is complete, we'll let you know to "close the case".

As per your request since for whatever reason your unable to log into your cPanel still after endless password resets. I have created an entire account back up this morning for you and PM'd you on here a link to download it at. Please confirm it was received and you were able to download it.
For all those that have experienced a "good" service level from mike, i urge you to try soneone else and then you will realise what a good, hassle free hosting experience is like.

I must be inept of choosing for myself what quality is in a host. Thank you for showing me how dumb and naive I am...

Give me a break.
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