XF 2.1 Template Modifications


Well-known member
Ok, so I created an addon by creating a folder with a addon.json so I could have it installable. I then installed the addon via the ACP. I then created a few template modifications and assigned them to the addon via the ACP.

Now my question is how do I get those to be installable with the addon without CLI access?

I tried rebuilding the addon via the ACP, but it removed all the template modifications I added.
Once I do add a template modification, I do see is show up in the src/addons/myaddon/_output/template_modifications/public folder. As well as a _metadata.json file in the src/addons/myaddon/_output/template_modifications folder.
Well time to upgrade the server then, as I am in a shared host ATM, and I really don't feel like setting up a local install.
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