TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

And this (the change you made) was the result I was after.

It's okay that it will not be removed from other user pages as that would add a lot of extra processing required for such a rare event. The main goal was to make it easier on the moderators by not disorienting them when they delete messages on their own screen, especially if they have to delete more than one right after another, and the change you made should do that.

I assume that a user coming into chat for the first time (or reloading the page) after a message has been deleted would not see it. The other existing users in chat would have likely seen and read the to-be-deleted message anyway so removing it after the fact from their page, it's not really a priority.

You, I like you. You're smart.
Can you PM me a link to your site and a test account?

PM me admin CP details and I will check this for you

In template dark_taigachat_full, remove or comment out:

                <xen:include template="sidebar_online_users">
                    <xen:map from="$taigachat.onlineUsers" to="$onlineUsers" />
Thanks, that worked. Why doesn't the Clear Sidebar widget from the framework work in the Chat tab?
Sounds good.

If I wanted to get rid of the visitor card as well as the member list, could I just extend the commenting out to the line above?

It's more tricky to remove, best bet is to hide it with a CSS rule:

.dark_taigachat_full .visitorPanel { display: none; }
I'm still looking for an answer if i could do this using extra.css
make the chat LTR even when am Using RTL language
is it possible ?
TaigaChat Pro seems pretty cool thus far. One need I had was to have it work on a dark background, yet not globally change the yellow "hover" effect in edit boxes in XenForo. I'm using this:

#taigachat_box {
    background-color: black !important;
#taigachat_box li {
    background-color: transparent !important;
#taigachat_message {
    background-color:#000 !important;
#taigachat_message.textCtrl:focus, #taigachat_message.textCtrl.Focus {
    background: black none !important;
    color: white;

The end result is a chat that works well on a black background, yet still allows users to set their own colors. Hopefully this is not a duplicate of something that's already been posted. The tricky part was figuring out the right focus classes.

thanks it helped me do what i want
#taigachat_box {

Peut on bannir pendant un certain temps. Par exemple avoir le choix de bannir la personne 6H et au bout de ce temps la personne peut recommuniquer ?
Peut on bannir pendant un certain temps. Par exemple avoir le choix de bannir la personne 6H et au bout de ce temps la personne peut recommuniquer ?
No, as far as I know you can not ban members from chat for a certain time frame only.
Peut on bannir pendant un certain temps. Par exemple avoir le choix de bannir la personne 6H et au bout de ce temps la personne peut recommuniquer ?

Please use English from now on as per Rule 6

Messages must be posted in English as it is not possible for us to moderate the forums otherwise. In very specific cases (such as distributing a translation), foreign languages may be used provided an English translation is provided as well.
Minor bug. If you're using debug mode and not XF 1.2, you get a CSS error:

How can I go about changing the default shoutbox chat background color?

Thank you for your time.
Greatly appreciate the swift response. Thank you. It still seems to keep the grey color but fills in a strange white background (#ffffff)

weird shout.webp

Is there any plans for possible chat tabs for larger boards? Basically a new tab for alerts or a second "shoutbox room"?

Thanks again!
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