TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

Yes that is by design - it is designed to show users who are idling in chat in addition to users who are actively sending messages. You can hack this to only show users who are on the full shoutbox page or actively posting messages by removing lines 38, 39 and 70 from library/dark/taigachat/controllerpublic/taigachat.php. In case you are on an older version the contents of those lines should be:

     if(!$this->_input->filterSingle('fake', XenForo_Input::UINT))

I would advise removing the fake box, as it is designed to be used on pages where there is no proper taigachat box. Additionally taigachat is not designed to be embedded more than once per page.

The patch has been superseded by the option 'External data compatibility mode'. Is that option not working for you?

Note that when you enable that option, you must set speed mode to 'https compatibility mode' (regardless of whether you use https or not) and your XF board URL setting must be correct. Otherwise you will get page not found errors like you are seeing.

When i switch to external data compability mode and https compatibility mode i get this error.

Server Error

file_put_contents(): Exclusive locks may only be set for regular files

file_put_contents() in Dark/TaigaChat/Model/TaigaChat.php at line 138
Dark_TaigaChat_Model_TaigaChat->regeneratePublicHtml() in Dark/TaigaChat/Option/SpeedMode.php at line 15
Dark_TaigaChat_Option_SpeedMode::verifyOption() in XenForo/DataWriter/Option.php at line 365
XenForo_DataWriter_Option->_validateOptionValuePreSave() in XenForo/DataWriter/Option.php at line 222
XenForo_DataWriter_Option->_preSave() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1460
XenForo_DataWriter->preSave() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1399
XenForo_DataWriter->save() in XenForo/Model/Option.php at line 572
XenForo_Model_Option->updateOptions() in XenForo/ControllerAdmin/Option.php at line 179
XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Option->actionSave() in NodesAsTabs/ControllerAdmin/Option.php at line 7
NodesAsTabs_ControllerAdmin_Option->actionSave() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/account/account.com/www/admin.php at line 13

Board URL is correct, something wrong with run()?
When i switch to external data compability mode and https compatibility mode i get this error.

Server Error

file_put_contents(): Exclusive locks may only be set for regular files

file_put_contents() in Dark/TaigaChat/Model/TaigaChat.php at line 138
Dark_TaigaChat_Model_TaigaChat->regeneratePublicHtml() in Dark/TaigaChat/Option/SpeedMode.php at line 15
Dark_TaigaChat_Option_SpeedMode::verifyOption() in XenForo/DataWriter/Option.php at line 365
XenForo_DataWriter_Option->_validateOptionValuePreSave() in XenForo/DataWriter/Option.php at line 222
XenForo_DataWriter_Option->_preSave() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1460
XenForo_DataWriter->preSave() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1399
XenForo_DataWriter->save() in XenForo/Model/Option.php at line 572
XenForo_Model_Option->updateOptions() in XenForo/ControllerAdmin/Option.php at line 179
XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Option->actionSave() in NodesAsTabs/ControllerAdmin/Option.php at line 7
NodesAsTabs_ControllerAdmin_Option->actionSave() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/account/account.com/www/admin.php at line 13

Board URL is correct, something wrong with run()?

Try setting speed mode to disabled, save, turn external data compatibility mode on, save, then finally speed mode to https compatibility and save
@Luke F

How can I make the tab visible in the NavBar even if a user does not have permission. I want unregistered/unconfirmed to be able to see we have Chat.
Thanks for a great add-on!

In library/dark/taigachat/eventlistener/navigationtabs.php, remove the following snippet:

 && $visitor->hasPermission("dark_taigachat", "view")
Apologies for the slow response, I thought I had replied to you already. Make sure you have uploaded the files correctly, and since you moved from taigachat free, make sure any modified dark_taigachat templates are correctly reverted.

If that does not fix it, can you please PM me admin CP details to take a closer look?
Thx heaps Luke. And apologies, I meant to update my post, I ended up resolving the issue by re-uploading the files. I didn't personally do the first addon install, so clearly it wasn't installed properly the first time around ;)
Okay, so what's the code to prune the shoutbox? I was sure it was /prune but nothing happens for me. (Sorry if this was asked already.)
How do you make an Admin node and all sub-nodes within that share the same chatbox?

The <xen:hook name="dark_taigachat_alt" params="{xen:array 'room={$forum.node_id}'}" /> adds a separate chatbox for every forum but each one is different.
Hi There, I want to get this and your post ratings add-on but I can't use pay-pal as the forum its for is adult in nature(paypal is a pain about this) do you have an alternative payment processor I can purchase your add-ons via?

Okay, so what's the code to prune the shoutbox? I was sure it was /prune but nothing happens for me. (Sorry if this was asked already.)

It is /prune yes, if that is not working make sure you have the permission 'Prune shoutbox'

How do you make an Admin node and all sub-nodes within that share the same chatbox?

The <xen:hook name="dark_taigachat_alt" params="{xen:array 'room={$forum.node_id}'}" /> adds a separate chatbox for every forum but each one is different.

Best bet is a <xen:if> statement on $forum.parent_node_id, check if that is equal to the node_id of your admin node and if so use that rather than $forum.node_id
Hi There, I want to get this and your post ratings add-on but I can't use pay-pal as the forum its for is adult in nature(paypal is a pain about this) do you have an alternative payment processor I can purchase your add-ons via?


Yes I can also accept Skrill or Bitcoin, PM me :)
I've searched this thread and cannot find an answer, but I suspect this is a question that has come up before--if so and I missed it, I apologize.

So, I have Widget Framework and TaigaChat. I also want to have multiple chatrooms with permissions controlled via node access.

I have created a Widget page with a two-column layout
On one column I would like to place a shoutbox widget-- not the main shoutbox this is secondary one.
On the second column I would like to place the Users in the chat--those who are in that secondary chatbox.

In the Widget page I have tried several renders. The one that is the Taigachat Pro Shoutbox (full width) definitely displays a box but it's the main one.

I have been able to create a Xenforo page with a private box by adding the following to the Template HTML box in the page:
<xen:hook name="dark_taigachat_full" params="{xen:array 'room=431'}" />
(Where 431 is the node ID of the page--for clarity I decided to name the chatrooms with the same ID as the node I have assigned them to)

When I try to use the same params in the Widget box with the Taigachat Pro Shoutbox (full width) and in the Expression box: xen:array 'room=431'
I get a blank page. Soooo, clearly I am doing something wrong. :)

I would love any suggestions, thanks!!

Here is a screenshot:
I've searched this thread and cannot find an answer, but I suspect this is a question that has come up before--if so and I missed it, I apologize.

So, I have Widget Framework and TaigaChat. I also want to have multiple chatrooms with permissions controlled via node access.

I have created a Widget page with a two-column layout
On one column I would like to place a shoutbox widget-- not the main shoutbox this is secondary one.
On the second column I would like to place the Users in the chat--those who are in that secondary chatbox.

In the Widget page I have tried several renders. The one that is the Taigachat Pro Shoutbox (full width) definitely displays a box but it's the main one.

I have been able to create a Xenforo page with a private box by adding the following to the Template HTML box in the page:
<xen:hook name="dark_taigachat_full" params="{xen:array 'room=431'}" />
(Where 431 is the node ID of the page--for clarity I decided to name the chatrooms with the same ID as the node I have assigned them to)

When I try to use the same params in the Widget box with the Taigachat Pro Shoutbox (full width) and in the Expression box: xen:array 'room=431'
I get a blank page. Soooo, clearly I am doing something wrong. :)

I would love any suggestions, thanks!!

Here is a screenshot:
View attachment 130406

Unfortunately there is no easy way of passing the room id through from widget framework to the shoutbox. Also keep in mind that there is no permission protection on secondary rooms, if someone guessed the room ID they could read the messages.

You might want to look into this third party addon, I think it does what you are after: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/nobita-room-chat-for-taigachat-pro.3694/

Otherwise if you do not mind about the lack of permissions, you can create a new template containing:

<xen:hook name="dark_taigachat_alt" params="{xen:array 'room={$forum.node_id}'}" />

Then in Widget Framework > Add Widget, enter:

Renderer: [Advanced] Template (without wrapper)
Template: the name of your new template
Title: {xen:phrase dark_shoutbox}
Position: hook:forum_list_nodes
I was just notified by a user that it seems to be possible to "lurk" in the chat, without anyone knowing it, if you unchecked "Show online status" in the forum.

Is there a way to disable this behavior?

While i can understand this feature for public forum discussions, in a sometimes a bit more personal chat it seems a bit sneaky. Just a matter of opinion, of course.
Thanks in advance!
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Is there a way to enable rich username to the users in the shoutbox? cant seem to find this option i remember having this before. Just really cant seem to find it lol.
How is this addon with php7, my host claims this is an outdated addon and could be degrading performance for a large forum?

I have a problem with my taigachat 1.4.7


it's a time when I try to write something about the shoutbox nothing appears, I'd like to know why I use XenForo 1.5.6 and I Cloudflare
I need your help.​
Hey - I have a rather subtle bug in my TaigaChat related to permissions.

I have a XenForo group we call "Shoutbox Jockeys" - who monitor our chat behavior, ban people, etc. Recently their ability to edit messages has been abused, so I went into the user control groups, and disabled "edit/delete posts by anyone" from their group. As expected, this removed their ability to edit messages posted by other people.

But it ALSO (and we've done several tests to confirm) removed their ability to ban people! Very unfortunate. Is this a known bug?
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