TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

May I ask... I find not necessary show the time in the sidebar chat, but necessary and good in the Full Shoutbox page.
Is there any option to disable it only in the sidebar?
Also what about Youtube videos conversion? Didn't saw it in demos :)

May I ask... I find not necessary show the time in the sidebar chat, but necessary and good in the Full Shoutbox page.
Is there any option to disable it only in the sidebar?
Also what about Youtube videos conversion? Didn't saw it in demos :)


For the datetime thing try adding the following in EXTRA.CSS

.taigachat_alt .DateTime {display:none;}

If that doesn't work try the following

.taigachat_reverse .DateTime {display:none;}
TaigaChat Pro seems pretty cool thus far. One need I had was to have it work on a dark background, yet not globally change the yellow "hover" effect in edit boxes in XenForo. I'm using this:

#taigachat_box {
    background-color: black !important;
#taigachat_box li {
    background-color: transparent !important;
#taigachat_message {
    background-color:#000 !important;
#taigachat_message.textCtrl:focus, #taigachat_message.textCtrl.Focus {
    background: black none !important;
    color: white;

The end result is a chat that works well on a black background, yet still allows users to set their own colors. Hopefully this is not a duplicate of something that's already been posted. The tricky part was figuring out the right focus classes.
Do you think so it would be possible using @Luke Foreman tagging names in chat, so when you tag someone in chat, they get an alert like "QenTox just mentioned your name in Shoutbox"? Not sure if this is possible, but I would love to see something like this!
Do you think so it would be possible using @Luke Foreman tagging names in chat, so when you tag someone in chat, they get an alert like "QenTox just mentioned your name in Shoutbox"? Not sure if this is possible, but I would love to see something like this!

I've considered this suggestion before, but it's basically not going to work because:

- Alerts are not realtime enough (it would need a title/favicon notification or something)
- Tagged message could be pushed out of the visible area in a matter of minutes or even seconds
- There's no permalink system for shoutbox messages, i.e. no way of jumping to a particular message
- Alerts are designed for permanent-ish things - it will stick around long after the message has gone
- While the archive thread feature solves a couple of these, it's private on most forums and not really the way I'd like to go about it regardless
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Well, my idea was:

- link going directly to shoutbox not to a message, it would be enough to mention the time when that happened
- the purpose of this is to let the user know I want to chat with him/her
- my site is not really that chatty or busy, so it wouldn't be a real issue
- I have actually seen a favicon notificiation for alerts in one of the XenForo sites, but not sure which add-on they used
0. This chat has archive, right? Where I can find it or how to activate it?

1. Also is there a sound notification to toggle on/off for users somewhere?
2. I guess you won't know, but one never know. I purchased Core by PixelExit but I have an issue. I see the shoutbox on top of the forum list only in the default style not in Core. Any idea what this could cause?
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I've considered this suggestion before, but it's basically not going to work because:

- Alerts are not realtime enough (it would need a title/favicon notification or something)
- Tagged message could be pushed out of the visible area in a matter of minutes or even seconds
- There's no permalink system for shoutbox messages, i.e. no way of jumping to a particular message
- Alerts are designed for permanent-ish things - it will stick around long after the message has gone
- While the archive thread feature solves a couple of these, it's private on most forums and not really the way I'd like to go about it regardless
Why not let like IRC clients do, when your name is mentioned it beeps / adds one special background that highlights it to the mentioned user?
do I have to pay for an upgrade - I have already licenced taigachat pro but it does not work properly with 1.2 (my version)
I am sure it works without any problem with XenForo 1.2 as I use it too on 1.2. Just try to download the newest version and update your TaigaChat Pro.
do I have to pay for an upgrade - I have already licenced taigachat pro but it does not work properly with 1.2 (my version)
The last version of the script is compatible with 1.2 version, so you likely need to check what version what you are using of this addon if it is 1.1
Hi @Luke Foreman I am not too sure if I got it right, so I rather ask you.
(Note that this system makes it possible for users who know what they are doing to view (not post) shoutbox messages regardless of permissions - be sure to disable it if you plan on posting private data in shoutbox messages. For the vast majority of uses (even as a members-only or VIP chat), this is not an issue and it can be safely enabled.)

With this option enabled, the latest messages will be stored in a publicly-viewable file on your web server. XenForo permissions will have no effect on who can VIEW shoutbox messages (if they know what they are doing), including guests and banned users.

Enabling this option will drastically reduce server load and improve performance, as no PHP code or database queries are used to refresh the shoutbox.

Unless discussions in the shoutbox will be strictly private, it is strongly recommended that you enable this option.

If using HTTPS compatibility mode, please ensure your Board URL setting is correct and includes https://.
1. So if I enable Speed Mode and I set permissions, so only Staff members will have access to chat, then all the other user groups will be still able to visit chat? Is that what you are saying?

2. If you enable Speed Mode the chat messages will be still archived or not anymore?

3. Also, where is that publicly viewable file (just send me a message please if you don't want to reveal here the file location)? How someone can have access to a file without knowing a location of that file?
Also, if you accidentaly ban someone from chat, how can you unban him/her? Can not find this option anywhere :/
Hi @Luke Foreman I am not too sure if I got it right, so I rather ask you.

1. So if I enable Speed Mode and I set permissions, so only Staff members will have access to chat, then all the other user groups will be still able to visit chat? Is that what you are saying?

2. If you enable Speed Mode the chat messages will be still archived or not anymore?

3. Also, where is that publicly viewable file (just send me a message please if you don't want to reveal here the file location)? How someone can have access to a file without knowing a location of that file?

1. By everyone being able to access the messages, it means only if they know the locations of the HTML files within your FTP.

2. They will still be archived.

3. They are within the data/taigachat from memory.

Also, if you accidentaly ban someone from chat, how can you unban him/her? Can not find this option anywhere :/

Within the user permissions (admincp). Or with the /unban command introduced in 1.1.0.
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