TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

Purchased ;) .
How many minutes should the automated email/with the addon be sent ? :)

I've approved your purchase and sent it now

(Giving you the benefit of the doubt here as I'm aware you're currently running a warez version on phcorner.net - any sign of foul play and I will revoke your access to updates)
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I've approved your purchase and sent it now

(Giving you the benefit of the doubt here as I'm aware you're currently running a warez version on phcorner.net - any sign of foul play and I will revoke your access to updates)
That was long-long time ago :cry:
It looks like the "Users in Chat" Sidebar element does not work atm. Whenever I refresh the page, my name is shown in there for half a sec, then it's removed and the box is empty, stating there are 0 members in chat. Is it from the new version or any incompatibility I have?
It looks like the "Users in Chat" Sidebar element does not work atm. Whenever I refresh the page, my name is shown in there for half a sec, then it's removed and the box is empty, stating there are 0 members in chat. Is it from the new version or any incompatibility I have?

There's not been any changes regarding this and it seems to work fine on my end

Are you having issues with the widget version, the xenporta version or the one built into the full shoutbox page?
It has been the widget version on XenForo 1.2 B5, but it looks like it just needed some warm-up time. It's now working. Thanks though (y)
Working great. BB Toolbar still doesn't leave much space in mobile so I'm still using this extra.css code

.dark_taigachat_full #taigachat_box { height: 1080px !important }
@media only screen and (max-width: 475px), only screen and (max-device-width: 700px)
#taigachat_full #taigachat_message {
    width: 90% !important;
I have the Pro version but now I am not sure how I download this update.

Edit - not to worry I see I got an email update :)
Hmmmm I updated, and I can see the chatbox when I'm not logged in. However, when I do login, it goes back to 1.2 pre-taigachat-update mode and won't work. I'm getting no JS errors so I'm confused. Reverted any custom templates I was using with this mod so I don't think it's that.
I was never able to get that working for some reason.
I was able to get it working but I do remember that it was a royal PITA. I have to completely rebuild the style for 1.2 and if I remember I'll post the code when I get to that part.
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