Fixed Tagging with Parentheses Doesn't Work


Well-known member
If I want to tag @Jeremy, for example, and put it in parentheses, it won't make a hyperlink; because of that, I don't think the recipient of the tag is alerted.

Here is an example: A lot of the staff on XenForo are helpful (especially @Jeremy).

Edit - 9:26 AM (PST): Okay, that's odd. It didn't work when I tried tagging @Mike the other day with his username in parentheses.
I actually tweaked this earlier, but it's specific to double stacking certain punctuation:


When punctuation is followed by something other than a space, we don't treat it as a "break" in tagging unless it's followed by specific characters. I've added ) to this second character list, though not rolled it out here yet.
I actually tweaked this earlier, but it's specific to double stacking certain punctuation:


When punctuation is followed by something other than a space, we don't treat it as a "break" in tagging unless it's followed by specific characters. I've added ) to this second character list, though not rolled it out here yet.

We posted at the same time. Oops.

Anyway, got it. Thanks!
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