XF 1.5 Syntax Error When Importing Users

I'm having some issues importing the users of an IPS 4.x board, and my limited SQL knowledge is getting in the way here.

It looks like it's complaining about the following line (from library/XenForo/Importer/IPBoard40x.php):

            $groups = $this->_sourceDb->fetchAll('
                SELECT groups.*,apr.row_perm_cache AS admin_restrictions
                FROM ' . $this->_prefix . 'core_groups AS groups
                LEFT JOIN ' . $this->_prefix . 'core_admin_permission_rows AS apr ON
                    (apr.row_id = groups.g_id AND apr.row_id_type = \'group\')
                LEFT JOIN ' . $this->_prefix . 'core_moderators AS moderator ON
                    (groups.g_id = moderator.id AND moderator.type = \'g\')

All these JOIN statements exceed my SQL experience, but a quick check with various SQL-syntax checkers suggest that there's nothing wrong with the syntax. I am aware that the SQL documentation can be a little quirky when it comes to syntax variations between different SQL versions, so I suspect that is the issue.

Various Google searches yielded no similar results, anyone have any idea the issue?

For reference:
  • This is XenForo 1.5.24, attempting to import IPS 4.x on Windows Server 2012 R2 via IIS.
  • MySQL Server is version 8.0 running on Windows Server 2008 R2

Thank you in advance for any help! :D


  • import-users.webp
    75.4 KB · Views: 9
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Just wanted to update this thread as I ended up going about this in another way, just in case anyone else came across a similar problem.

I ended up doing the following:
  1. Installed a clean copy of MyBB 1.8.21
  2. Used the MyBB Merger utility to merge from IPS 4.x to MyBB 1.8.21
  3. Installed a clean copy of XenForo 1.5.24
  4. Used the built-in XenForo importers to import from the MyBB 1.8.21 installation
The end result was a successful import from IPS 4.x to XenForo 1.5.24. And I will upgrade later to a more modern version of the forums.

Hope this helps someone, and happy holidays.

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