Supported features, innodb, memcached, alternative web servers ?


Well-known member
Hey Mike and Kier would love to hear your thoughts on these for ther larger end forums for forum search, high concurrency and scalability wise ?

if any plans for off loading stuff to memcached ? if so how extensive ?

myisam table locking, innodb alternative ? mysql partitioning ? mysql replication ?

mysql forks such as percona, mariadb ?

mod_rewrite equiavlent syntax and support for alternative web servers other than apache ? i.e. lighttpd, litespeed web server, nginx

oh and I forgot sphinx support ? :)

Mike mentioned in another thread that Sphinx is planned.

Why would it not run on lighty or nginx? I'm sure it will.

memcached is an interesting question! I hope it's supported!
It's mostly using InnoDB. It actually uses transactions for a lot of the writes. At the very least, it's helpful when I mess something up in development. :) There are a few MyISAM/memory tables where it makes sense.

No replication support in its current state.

There is a caching system in, though it hasn't been exercised much. There are various places that want to take advantage of it, but we need to deal with cache expiration/updating.

Don't really need to worry about mod_rewrite too much - it basically just redirects everything and deals with it in code. Or you could not use it. The only difference is "index.php?" (or just "?" if we make a small change).

The search is written in a pluggable way, but it only supports MySQL full-text at this point. Sphinx is planned as it's a must have for any reasonable large board.
It's mostly using InnoDB. It actually uses transactions for a lot of the writes. At the very least, it's helpful when I mess something up in development. :) There are a few MyISAM/memory tables where it makes sense.

No replication support in its current state.

There is a caching system in, though it hasn't been exercised much. There are various places that want to take advantage of it, but we need to deal with cache expiration/updating.

Don't really need to worry about mod_rewrite too much - it basically just redirects everything and deals with it in code. Or you could not use it. The only difference is "index.php?" (or just "?" if we make a small change).

The search is written in a pluggable way, but it only supports MySQL full-text at this point. Sphinx is planned as it's a must have for any reasonable large board.

Will InnoDB be a requirement?
Any web server that plays well with PHP and MySQL will do just fine.

I've read that APC is recommended btw. So caching is encouraged under the hood.
Any web server that plays well with PHP and MySQL will do just fine.

I've read that APC is recommended btw. So caching is encouraged under the hood.

I wonder if, on Windows, using Wincache for PHP caching and APC as a datastore might speed things up, or slow things down. I'd like to test this.
Wincache AND APC?

Both are opcode cachers, aren't they? Why would you want to run both of them?

Well, if configured, Wincache could be the op-code, and APC the datastore, however, with Wincache 1.1 released, I only have the need for Wincache, as it too has a datastore, which I'd like to see XenForo making use of.
Ok, I pledge that if XenForo doesn't come with Wincache support, I will personally write in Wincache support, and yes, I bumped this thread, because there's no point making a new one.
The API is extremely similar to APC, such that only a replacement of apc_store with wincache_ucache_set will work.
Ok, I pledge that if XenForo doesn't come with Wincache support, I will personally write in Wincache support, and yes, I bumped this thread, because there's no point making a new one.
The API is extremely similar to APC, such that only a replacement of apc_store with wincache_ucache_set will work.

When I was using Windows, APC was at least as fast.

(As Wincache)
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