XF 2.1 Super Moderator usergroup


Hello everyone,

There is any way to give a usergroup supermoderator permission? Currently they don't see user report and can't handle it. How can I resolve this problem?
Sorry for bringing up an old thread, but is this something that can be looked at for a future release? Seems silly to have to add a user to essentially another group individually, instead of just once. Being able to apply Moderator/Super Moderator permissions on a per-group basis would save quite a bit of time.
Being able to apply Moderator/Super Moderator permissions on a per-group basis would save quite a bit of time.
That is already possible.

Use the existing Moderating user group and/or create a new user group.

Members still have to be explicitly promoted to moderator status in addition to any permissions granted.
That is already possible.

Use the existing Moderating user group and/or create a new user group.

Members still have to be explicitly promoted to moderator status in addition to any permissions granted.
If I want all users in the moderator group to be able to access approval queues, it looks like I need to explicitly promote each user within that group, no?
I suppose this circles back to the original request - it would be fantastic if these moderator status functions were available to permission groups, instead of requiring board admins to specify each user.
it would be fantastic if these moderator status functions were available to permission groups, instead of requiring board admins to specify each user.
It might, but you would loose functionality. Several owners would not like to have all moderators be able to do everything, some even have more limits than others.
So the way it's now, one can specify who to trust and give those rights, and who to not give those permissions (yet).

On bigger forums the way it's now seems more configurable to me to have more various kinds of mods.
On smaller forums, your suggestions might be nicer. It's in the eye of the beholder.

Personally when I started my other forum software which is kindlike, I thought the same in the beginning. Afterwards I was very happy to even be able to disable some things from super mods which I would like to do only as admin.;)
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