Lack of interest [suggestion] verify email before registration - verificar el Correo electrónico antes del registro

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Well-known member
I think it is important to check the e-mail of those who want join referring a coupon random prior to show the registration screen. This avoids spammers and spam.

Pienso que es importante verificar el correo electrónico de aquellos que desean registrarse remitiendo un cupón aleatorio antes de mostrar la pantalla de registro.
Esto evita spammers y spam.
Sorry my bad english (is translated)

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Hopefully email address domains are checked for a valid MX record.
I'd see that as a separate suggestion. What I think the OP is saying is that from an end-user point of view a new member should not be "registered"—they would not show up anywhere on the front end—until they have confirmed their email address, if indeed you have confirming email as a requirement.

There should be options in the ACP for Account activation: Disable, None, By User, By Admin.

The By User option will defeat invalid email addresses.
No, no. Before starting the registration form is sent to a random code that provides email access so that only the registration form once you've confirmed your email, must enter the code that has been sent.

No, no. Antes de iniciar el formulario de registro se le envía un código aleatorio al email que proporciona de manera que acceda solo al formulario de registro una vez que ya ha confirmado el email, debiendo introducir el código que se le ha remitido.

I'd see that as a separate suggestion. What I think the OP is saying is that from an end-user point of view a new member should not be "registered"—they would not show up anywhere on the front end—until they have confirmed their email address, if indeed you have confirming email as a requirement.

That is also an option along with the deletion of those users automatically after a period of time (one month for example).

Eso también es una opción junto con el borrado de esos usuarios de forma automática tras un periodo de tiempo determinado (un mes por ejemplo).

Blocking the user from registering before validating his/her email address would likely reduce the number of successful registrations as it separates the intent from when it actually happens. That's actually an argument for not verifying addresses at all, I should note; bounce email handling is valuable in that situation.

I'd see that as a separate suggestion. What I think the OP is saying is that from an end-user point of view a new member should not be "registered"—they would not show up anywhere on the front end—until they have confirmed their email address, if indeed you have confirming email as a requirement.
Well, you could theoretically allow an unconfirmed user to post, but this is basically what happens now. The email and usernames are allocated, but they don't show up as the latest member, as being online, in the count, etc. You can probably get to their profile if the URL is known (hence the allowing them to post message).

Additionally, unconfirmed users are treated as guests for permissions. (Though they do have access to their account area and get benefits like read marking.)


There should be options in the ACP for Account activation: Disable, None, By User, By Admin.

The By User option will defeat invalid email addresses.
Assuming that "by admin" means manual account moderation, we have all of those things. :)
I use an addon on one board running vb 3.8.6 that does exactly what lms suggested. There were NO problems with registrations that i know of, but before we installed it we allways had trouble with people who are to lazy/stupid/whatever to type their own eMail-adress correctly.

So i hope this would be integrated or someone will do an addon. :)
Blocking the user from registering before validating his/her email address would likely reduce the number of successful registrations as it separates the intent from when it actually happens. That's actually an argument for not verifying addresses at all, I should note; bounce email handling is valuable in that situation.

No user is blocked. Is given a random code received by email and then must enter the registration form. Currently completing a registration form and then confirmed by email.
It's just reverse the order.

No se bloquea al usuario. Se le entrega un código aleatorio que recibe en su email y debe introducir luego en el formulario de registro. Actualmente uno cumplimenta el formulario de registro y luego se confirma el email.
Simplemente es invertir el orden.

Well, you could theoretically allow an unconfirmed user to post, but this is basically what happens now. The email and usernames are allocated, but they don't show up as the latest member, as being online, in the count, etc. You can probably get to their profile if the URL is known (hence the allowing them to post message).

Additionally, unconfirmed users are treated as guests for permissions. (Though they do have access to their account area and get benefits like read marking.)

Assuming that "by admin" means manual account moderation, we have all of those things. :)
De acuerdo.

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