Implemented [Suggestion] Similar Threads

Neutral Singh

Well-known member
I do not see similar threads showing up in topic on xF... i think it is a very important feature to get back some very old yet interesting debates. The similar threads in vB are very basic. You can not show them except in showthreads and you can not even configure the number of threads you want to be shown in each thread. You can either show them below the navbar or at the bottom of the topics so if there are replies to the thread then similar threads go down at the end of the topic.

I am still no sure of xF template system but I would like to have Similar Threads, which i can show anywhere like in the postbit right alongwith the first post of the topic on all pages or at the bottom of first post or even a right side-bar...

Upvote 61
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
This missing feature is important enough for me to hold off replacing my VB with XenForo - also the currently viewing number next to the forums creates a useful guide for visitors to know where the action is when you have many forums to choose from, this is also missing it seems. Other than those two items, I'm ready to switch!
This is important too, we got all days to close threads that are repeated, people never search...
That would search in create topic and show the user that may be already a thread with same content! :D
This is important too, we got all days to close threads that are repeated, people never search...
That would search in create topic and show the user that may be already a thread with same content! :D
This is for showing similar threads in the thread_view, not for searching for similar threads based on topic title (Thats in my signature).
I originally thought it was a great idea when I used it on vb3 but when I was converting to XF, I thought about how often I used it on different sites and realized it was zero.
I originally thought it was a great idea when I used it on vb3 but when I was converting to XF, I thought about how often I used it on different sites and realized it was zero.
I've used it on sites when I was looking for something I didn't know very well.
The search landed me on a site but not in the correct thread.
It used to be a good way to help search engines spider random threads, but spiders are much smarter these days and don't need the help.

As far as having it for users to actually use/click on it... I suppose some might. Personally, I've never once used it on any forum though.
It's an extremely useful feature for knowledge based forums, like computer problems, software help, medical info, advice forums. It will benefit users to see threads on similar issues or problems.
I think it helps your site get that "second click". The user lands on your site from a search engine and the thread isn't what they wanted, but if a similar thread looks promising they might click on it to try your site a second time. Google likes it when people stay on your site.
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