Lack of interest [Suggestion] Microblog system / basic social network for all user

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Active member
IPB status update is a good funcion, but is not very good developped.
I think that a page, with all status update of all user can be very interesting, and possibilitie of replies, like a basic funcion of personal facebook wall.
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IPB status update is a good funcion, but is not very good developped.
I think that a page, with all status update of all user can be very interesting, and possibilitie of replies, like a basic funcion of personal facebook wall.

not sure why you want to make replies on status-updates ?
XF is even better: you can have discussions (including replies) similar like in a Forum.......
The status updates on your profile limit is 140 chars (similar to twitter). Other than @ replies, Its pretty similar isn't it (asking only because I'm not a good twitter user). I suppose a mod could list the most recent status updates for users/groups that want to utilize that function.

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