Duplicate [Suggestion] Email a friend page .. ../comunity/invite-landing/create-invitation


Well-known member
Another post got me thinking, Inviting.
Do we have an invite system here/coming up, I searched and couldn't find anything though I didn't look to hard I admit.

My thoughts were as follows ...

  • An invite-landing page where a user could be told the benefits of inviting solid leads to good members for a community members being able to click a {create an invite } button and it direct to a page that generates a message.
  • The message
  • - A small editor box lets them enter a direct message to their friend that is inserted inside the email msg underneath the specific site's logo, header and navigation areas finishing with the footer info below
  • - Having that generated from a template-email-invite.html page of some sorts that can be modified easily and pulls the basic styling information from the default style of the site.
  • - Be able to also click a link in the email that says view your friends message at the site and open-> http://domain/community/invite-landing/view-invitation/userID-X#invite-y
  • At the suggested ../community/invite-landing/view-invitation/ a default invite for searchers and visitors who are redirected from a "you can't view this" page telling them they are invited to join a community and they can register themselves right there if they like.
  • - Members entering this url would be shown everyone they have invited. Also here they would be able to click the invitee email address and see if their friend joined.
first mockup-

  • I have more thoughts but I am balancing this in with a bunch of other tasks please if you would like to submit a mock-up here of your vision PLEASE do
  • Please feel free to comment, add to or modify this course of thought in the mean time.
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We brought the idea of a friend invite/referral system alooooooooong time ago ... IPB has one.

It would be great if it was combined with the Special Trophy system in contests :)
Yes apparently Nexus will have referrals, however Nexus is quite expensive, and not what most people need or want, an ecommerce system to run simple referrals, it also is not even released yet :)
coming out soon with a basic ecommerce solution :) ...

perhaps XF might want to sell it as an addon in future releases for extra $

... A person that doesn't dream is a dead person :) ... I love the American Dream lol
Sounds like a nice idea, you have to be careful not to give the impression of a spammer though, so only invite people you really know.
Sounds like a nice idea, you have to be careful not to give the impression of a spammer though, so only invite people you really know.
Exactly my point with this my fine friend...if you are held responsible generally (not to a micron type level) for the quality of the people you invite it is a way to ensure good leads. The last thing I want to do is start a site and have people coming just to make a hard time for other people. I also know that if I am forced to judge the character of those allowed to enter , I will think twice before sending one out.
Also even if it is just for social purposes and not used in any way as a invite only forum gateway...what's more social than finding who was friends with who bef0re coming to a sect group of members...it adds perspective to who you are talking to :-)
first mockup-

  • I have more thoughts but I am balancing this in with a bunch of other tasks please if you would like to submit a mock-up here of your vision PLEASE do
  • Please feel free to comment, add to or modify this course of thought in the mean time.

Nice mock up :D
Sounds like a great idea, the stock referral program for vB was ok at best, but left a lot to be desired unless of course you used a lot of the modifications from org to enhance the capabilities. I would also like to see a better system implimented here. :-)
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