
  1. G

    XF 1.5 Users can be granted access to threads on individual basis?

    I need a system where users can be granted access to threads on individual basis. The Forum should have normal permissions, but the threads should be on invite only basis. The creator/admin/moderator of each thread needs to be able to invite users to the content. It should be a front end...
  2. XCentral

    XenCentral Invitation & Paid Registration System 1.6.0

    XC Invitation & Paid Registration System is a fully-featured add-on allowing to enable free/paid invitations/referral and paid registration on your community. Product provides a solid system of monetizing the community using invitations and paid registration packages, as well as anti-spam...
  3. chousho

    [Suggestion] Invitation Registration and Tree

    This is just a suggestion, however: While a good majority of forums are open and public, some are more private and seek to be built around a small community. I was wondering [if not in XF, than as an idea for a plugin] about the following: Rather than letting any user register however many...
  4. EQnoble

    Duplicate [Suggestion] Email a friend page .. ../comunity/invite-landing/create-invitation

    Another post got me thinking, Inviting. Do we have an invite system here/coming up, I searched and couldn't find anything though I didn't look to hard I admit. My thoughts were as follows ... An invite-landing page where a user could be told the benefits of inviting solid leads to good...
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