Lack of interest [Suggestion] 2nd Post automatically quotes 1st post

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The Sandman

Well-known member
How about having the second post in each thread automatically quoting the first? Then if the first post is deleted, the thread can live on with the second post becoming the first and still making sense. To keep things simple, I would have the thread locked automatically if this was to happen, as it would be complicated if the second (now first) post was subsequently deleted. This way, no content would be lost and interested members could continue the discussion in a new thread if they wished.
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Wouldn't this be better as a modification? It's a good idea I suppose but how often is the first post of a thread deleted? How often would does this happen in order to be considered a default feature? :confused:
Wouldn't this be better as a modification? It's a good idea I suppose but how often is the first post of a thread deleted? How often would does this happen in order to be considered a default feature? :confused:

This stems from the discussion about having a "Remove Account" button for members to use - if all of a member's posts are deleted, it's usually not that disruptive if their posts are within a thread. Deleting a first post is way more disruptive.
This stems from the discussion about having a "Remove Account" button for members to use - if all of a member's posts are deleted, it's usually not that disruptive if their posts are within a thread. Deleting a first post is way more disruptive.
When what about a user's other posts? What if they're integral to an on-going discussion?

If the thread is of any size someone will have likely quoted the first post anyway, and usually the discussion isn't jeopardized by the first post missing because everyone participating it is aware of the topic and where it's going. I just don't see the instance coming up so often that an option for this should be included by default.
Heh.... why would you do this???

If you delete the first post it will be for a reason, so you wouldn't want it quoted in the second post would you? otherwise it would defeat the point of deleting the first post...

Well here's the thing - if there is a member who starts a thread and it leads to a worthwhile discussion, but then the member decides to delete the first post themselves (if they have the option), or requests their post be deleted the only good option we currently have is to deny their request. A better option would be to say "Sure, I'll delete your post" but have the thread live on since the first post is quoted in the second.
Well here's the thing - if there is a member who starts a thread and it leads to a worthwhile discussion, but then the member decides to delete the first post themselves (if they have the option), or requests their post be deleted the only good option we currently have is to deny their request. A better option would be to say "Sure, I'll delete your post" but have the thread live on since the first post is quoted in the second.
But how often does this actually happen?

And you can just have a board policy that says posts do not get deleted.
For a member to constantly and consistently request for a first post in thread to be deleted will be rare. If it is common then there's likely something wrong with that members posting style to request a first post to be deleted. Normally, the edit function compensates for this with the user able to delete the content pending there are not time restrictions on making edits/amendments to the post.

Auto quoting first post upon making a reply (being a first response within a thread) would be addiing bloat to a thread especially in resource areas where screen shots/large pictures are posted.

IMO Best suited as an add-on rather than a feature included into the core product. I'm not even sure it would be a popular useful add-on.
When what about a user's other posts? What if they're integral to an on-going discussion?

If the thread is of any size someone will have likely quoted the first post anyway, and usually the discussion isn't jeopardized by the first post missing because everyone participating it is aware of the topic and where it's going. I just don't see the instance coming up so often that an option for this should be included by default.

Although deleting posts within threads can be disruptive, it's usually not a major problem - normally the important posts get quoted within threads and if not the lost content can often be picked up from the context of other posts.

However, when the first post is deleted, doesn't the entire thread get deleted like in vBulletin? I tried to test it here but XF won't let me delete a first post, only subsequent posts. This is the issue I'm trying to avoid - forced deletion of threads when the first post is deleted (or inability to delete the first post without deleting the thread).
Well here's the thing - if there is a member who starts a thread and it leads to a worthwhile discussion, but then the member decides to delete the first post themselves (if they have the option), or requests their post be deleted the only good option we currently have is to deny their request. A better option would be to say "Sure, I'll delete your post" but have the thread live on since the first post is quoted in the second.
If you only let members soft delete posts, then you can undelete them if they trash an otherwise useful thread.
If you only let members soft delete posts, then you can undelete them if they trash an otherwise useful thread.

This is true for all posts except first posts in a thread. First posts can't be deleted (by members or staff) - the only option is or a staff member to delete the entire thread. That's the issue in a nutshell.
deleting an account...
you don't fix a problem by creating another problem

when someone posts a message they are speaking to you ... automatically quoting the first post changes what that person said to you
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