Suggest webhost for xenForo?


Dear All,

I am switching to xenForo from VB4 along with webhost. I would realy need your help to get the best webhost for xenForo.

Thanks in advance.
Well I agree with you there r1 shared will be shared no matter how you put it, if your site gets to the point where you are getting many new members daily or merge sites with someone that has a solid db or what have you, yes definately I would always say shared is a no-no as cpu is always a factor for a server I dont care how many hdd's you have, you can only be as fast as your bottleneck. But remember he want's a starter kit basically...something to see if whatever project he is working on will be worth investing overhead in to try and build a large community I would have to assume.

That is true, however I have found both from my own experience many moons ago as well as my customers, they would have rather found me many years ago then spending all the time troubleshooting there forums when in fact all that time spent was all due to hosting issues. Sometimes it's worth it to pay a little more and never have to worry about it. Even a VPS is shared hosting as you are still dependent on your neighbors and how they are using the server.
A question one should ask when picking a host: is my website my main business? What loss can I tolerate if the website goes down for 1 hour, 1 day, etc?
I pick rackspace because my website is important to my business. If you have a forum where a handful of your buddies visit a week, then you can start at $5-10/month.
For an inexpensive host, HostGator is hard to beat. I have had an account with them for many years. Brent, the owner is very serious about customer service.

If you need the size and security of a VPS, Linode is hard to beat.

A VPS is a VPS, nothing changes the fact that you are sharing your resources with others and your performance is effected by others on the server.

No a vps is not inherently shared... you can have a vps owning all the physical resources of a server; it is just an OS installed to a virtual container. Think of a Nintendo emulator and a game rom vs the console and the cart. You can go install parallels or vmware and have it occupy all of the hardware and resources on your computer without allowing home shares on it nor is it a requirement that once I install a virtual appliance there is nothing saying I ever have to install anything to my host OS ever there is no reason on a server environment it would have to have other virtual appliances installed sharing resources.. you can get a dedi and set up a vps on it if you want...and not just be locked into that. It is all about what you need and being able to identify that.
lol you don't have to tell me what a VPS is... the fact remains if you have 5 VPS's setup on a single piece of hardware, they all "SHARE" that one piece of hardware. It's still a shared resource.

Put all the spin on it that you feel you need too, the fact is it's still sharing resources. There is no question about this and I'm not sure why some people want to try and argue that fact.

In your example of running one VPS on a single piece of hardware... that would essentially be a dedicated server.
...well that's what i'm saying just may have seemed misleading to someone who doesn't really understand VPS and that may lead them to make an uneducated decision on where to drop their cash. I posted that for those people not the ones like yourself who sell hosting and would already know that. :-)
Thanks all. I was looking for most favorite web host. I have been with Hostgater, Dreamhost, Yahoo and more. I understand that there is nothing so called unlimited, ultimately the support and uptime are counted at the end. Since the down the time many new host have appeared in the market and disappearing at the same rate.

Therefore, I was just wondering about Your or Your Friends Experience with your/their webhost. The world has changed now, there are marketing strategies of all kind for seller. But due to tremendous development in the IT the way we use in today's world has change the way costumer select their vendors.

xenForo has limited community now, it will grow up in due course. I was just wondering (hey, xF) if xenForo would come out with some facility or recommendation for webhost for their software just like IPB does?
The biggest advantage of a VPS and really the only one in my opinion is having the ability to configure each users own setup to suit their needs rather then one single OS for all users.

The marketing of a VPS server is what I do have an issue with, people hear or see Private Server and they get the wrong impression imo.

anyway... I think we beat this to death... lol hopefully others will be able to get something out of it. :)
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