Sugar Coding - User Feedback

Sugar Coding - User Feedback 0.3.0 Beta

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tiredjohn submitted a new resource:

Sugar Coding - User Feedback - Allows users to leave feedback for each other.

The User Feedback system is a relatively simple add-on that does one thing well - it allows your users to leave feedback for each other (either positive, neutral or negative), resulting in a feedback score that can be viewed in a user's profile, in their posts, or on their feedback page. Although typically used for eBay-style classifieds feedback ratings, the User Feedback system can be used for any situation where you want to allow your users to rate each other.

Features include:
  • ...

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nice idea....looking forward to try this once its smoothed out a bit....too many irons in the fire for testing work atm, nice to see tho.
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Hello guys,

please help me how to setup pre-moderation for all feedbacks by registered users? but without pre-moderation for general posts. Regards!
Was looking about for a simple yet effective User Feedback engine for my users, and this fits the bill perfectly. However i notice it is still "beta" and also "unmaintained".... Wondered if you would be willing to carry this on as a paid model?

There only seems to be two options (unless i have missed something) - this and Xencentral, and i would rather keep things local and inhouse... unless anyone knows of any other alternatives?

Was looking about for a simple yet effective User Feedback engine for my users, and this fits the bill perfectly. However i notice it is still "beta" and also "unmaintained".... Wondered if you would be willing to carry this on as a paid model?

There only seems to be two options (unless i have missed something) - this and Xencentral, and i would rather keep things local and inhouse... unless anyone knows of any other alternatives?


Oh, it's still maintained – I think the "Unmaintained" flag gets set if there are no updates for a while, I've removed it.

As for the beta tag, that's just there as I'm not confident that the add-on has had enough general usage to consider it bug free. There are no reported bugs though, and anything that gets reported will be fixed in a timely manner.
Oh, it's still maintained – I think the "Unmaintained" flag gets set if there are no updates for a while, I've removed it.

As for the beta tag, that's just there as I'm not confident that the add-on has had enough general usage to consider it bug free. There are no reported bugs though, and anything that gets reported will be fixed in a timely manner.
Thats Awesome news - Thanks for getting back so quick - I'll get it installed and see if my users can give it a bit of a pounding :D

Very much a believer in "if it aint broke, dont fix it" :)
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