XF 2.0 Styling isue - Inbox/Alerts/Search in header


Well-known member
Anyone know how to remove the wording there? I have so many tabs for other addons, that I am running out of space..
You can just add this into your extra.less to hide the the text over there:

.p-nav-opposite .p-navgroup-linkText { display: none; }

Or to hide everything but the account text:

.p-nav-opposite .p-navgroup-linkText { display: none; }
.p-nav-opposite .p-account .p-navgroup-linkText { display: inline; }
Would this code work for what I am looking for also? I want to hide the text for everything but the account. I want to keep the name next to the avatar and just hide the text for inbox and alerts
Then you must use this:
.p-nav-opposite .p-navgroup-link--conversations span { display: none; }
.p-nav-opposite .p-navgroup-link--alerts span { display: inline; }
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