XF 1.5 Strange Lightbox Path Issue


Active member
Hello, I'm getting the strange error below on a few older threads in one of my forums. When you click on the thumbnails the message below pops up. It looks like it is only happening on just a small handful of threads. Is there something that might have been changed on one of the versions of XF and then was changed again? The lightbox works normal on all other threads except for the few that have this issue. Does anyone know what might be going on and how to correct it? Like maybe running a query in the db? It doesn't place any error in the server log. Thanks...

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That is most likely a mod_security issue.

Contact your host and they should be able to resolve it.

Looks like when I went to SSL (https) they turned the Mod_security on and now I cannot turn it off. Do you have any idea what type of rule could be in the Mod_security that would cause it?
It's impossible to say without checking to see which rule is being triggered.

It could be something as simple as 'misc' being in the URL.
Update: They turned it off and the problem did clear up. I need to know why though and what the rule could possibly be. They have no clue so I need to give them an idea of what it could be. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.

Well, I was using chat support. I would need to have them elevate it to one of the admins. It’s odd that it only happens with a few threads though.
Have you tried looking at the JavaScript console when you get that error. I have found that errors that display but do not leave a trace in the error log are almost always JavaScript related. The error is occurring in your browser, so the system does not know about it.
It was in fact the Mod_security being turned on at my origin server. The hosting company has a rule set that was causing it to happen. I'm on a shared server, but also using CloudFare and the first thing I did was turn CloudFare off and it was still happening. As soon as I forced the hosting company to turn the Mod_security off the problem went away.

What happened was I added the SSL cert to my hosting plan a few months ago and they went in there and turned the Mod_security on and I didn’t realize it and they made it to where I could no longer turn it off again via my cPanel so I had to call them and raise hell. It’s off now and that's the way I want it. I have Mod_security, firewall and other security stuff via CloudFare so I don’t really need it at the origin server level anyway.

Even if I could tell them which rule it might be I’d still rather have it turned off anyway. I do have a hunch what it was though. The threads that had the problem all had inline image attachments where the file names started with the same letters and I think that’s what was flagging the rule they have set.
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