Active member
I'm just after upgrade to XF 2. After implementing adsense codes ads I perform tests and:
- mobile ads work in all pages
- desktop ads don't work only in home page (works in other sites)
Code was pasted in Container breadcrumb (top): Above
i change code for standard one and is the same. The same situation is with ad in sidebar widget.
Any idea why ads not shown in desktop home page? Google block?
- mobile ads work in all pages
- desktop ads don't work only in home page (works in other sites)
Code was pasted in Container breadcrumb (top): Above
<div align="center">
<div id="google-ads-1"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* Calculate the width of available ad space */
ad = document.getElementById('google-ads-1');
if (ad.getBoundingClientRect().width) {
adWidth = ad.getBoundingClientRect().width; // for modern browsers
} else {
adWidth = ad.offsetWidth; // for old IE
/* Replace ca-pub-XXX with your AdSense Publisher ID */
google_ad_client = "ca-pub-xxxx";
/* Replace 1234567890 with the AdSense Ad Slot ID */
google_ad_slot = "xxxxx";
/* Do not change anything after this line */
if ( adWidth >= 728 )
google_ad_size = ["750", "200"]; /* Leaderboard 728x90 */
else if ( adWidth >= 468 )
google_ad_size = ["468", "60"]; /* Banner (468 x 60) */
else if ( adWidth >= 336 )
google_ad_size = ["336", "280"]; /* Large Rectangle (336 x 280) */
else if ( adWidth >= 300 )
google_ad_size = ["300", "250"]; /* Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) */
else if ( adWidth >= 250 )
google_ad_size = ["250", "250"]; /* Square (250 x 250) */
else if ( adWidth >= 200 )
google_ad_size = ["200", "200"]; /* Small Square (200 x 200) */
else if ( adWidth >= 180 )
google_ad_size = ["180", "150"]; /* Small Rectangle (180 x 150) */
google_ad_size = ["125", "125"]; /* Button (125 x 125) */
document.write (
'<ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:'
+ google_ad_size[0] + 'px;height:'
+ google_ad_size[1] + 'px" data-ad-client="'
+ google_ad_client + '" data-ad-slot="'
+ google_ad_slot + '"></ins>'
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
i change code for standard one and is the same. The same situation is with ad in sidebar widget.
Any idea why ads not shown in desktop home page? Google block?