Stats & Charts Bb Codes

Stats & Charts Bb Codes 1.0.2

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cclaerhout submitted a new resource:

Stats & Charts Bb Codes - Some Bbm Bb Codes for your stats and charts

Stats & Charts Bb Codes

The Faq & screenshots will be posted later this weekend​

  • You need at least PHP 5.3.x to install this addon. It is not compatible with PHP 5.2.x
  • These Bb Codes are made for Editors, not for all members. They require to know some commands
  • I don't plan to make some TinyMCE User Interfaces, that would be really complex to...

Read more about this resource...
Hi @cclaerhout,
I have PHP V 5.3.25,
Installed this addon and activated,
Installed BB Codes & Button Manager and activated.

when i add the bb codes in the example, its simple displayed back without any graphs. Is there another step i need to do?

Thanks for that! Sorry about forgetting that step.

I have tried a linebar from your example and that worked fine, however the pie example
   Heavy Industry | 22
   Retail | 9
   Light Industry | 14
   Out of home | 16
   Commuting  | 7
   Orientation | 9

doesnt show anything now. Any ideas?

Btw funnily enough the help bbcodes menu shows the bbcode and the pie diagram, but when i post it on a thread it doesnt show.

This is such a fantastic addon! thanks so much!
If the Bb Code is not parsed, just be sure it is available in the Bbm Bb Codes manager and enabled. I still need to finish the FAQ and to fix a few things (point-labels had to be done by data serie, I've modified this on Github), then you can contact me by pm with your board url if you want (probably this weekend).
I am indeed very impressed by all the examples that can be made, and very professional looking. I am looking forward to play more with this. Thanks a lot for the work, Cédric.
I am indeed very impressed by all the examples that can be made, and very professional looking. I am looking forward to play more with this. Thanks a lot for the work, Cédric.
Yes I know, Chris Leonello has really made an impressive and flexible script. Just look at this example... it's crazy. Events can also be captured to make custom applications.

Is it possible to add images as backgrounds to some columns, instead of just colors?
No, just colors, the elements are rendered with the canvas html tag. If you need to integrate images, then you should do like most of magazines do, use a vectorial software (Adobe Illustrator) and export your work to integrate it in your page.
Hi Cedric,
Is it possible to list a set of defined colours to use first. If that set is exhausted and already used up, then do random colours(or however it is generated right now)?
Hi Cedric,
Is it possible to list a set of defined colours to use first. If that set is exhausted and already used up, then do random colours(or however it is generated right now)?
The script uses 12 colors (that you can customize). If your chart has more than 12 statistics elements, then it will reuse the colors (1,2,3...12, 1, 2, 3...).

Available in "Style Properties: Color Palette".
The script uses 12 colors (that you can customize). If your chart has more than 12 statistics elements, then it will reuse the colors (1,2,3...12, 1, 2, 3...).

Available in "Style Properties: Color Palette".
That is fantastic! Thank you so much!
Hmm, 1.2.5 xenforo Installed with newest addon for bbm, have php 5.4 on web server and still wont parse the pie or bar's and yes the bbcode was added / imported. any ideas? Possible that the js is conflicting ill have to do more research and update this post soon.
Hmm, 1.2.5 xenforo Installed with newest addon for bbm, have php 5.4 on web server and still wont parse the pie or bar's and yes the bbcode was added / imported. any ideas? Possible that the js is conflicting ill have to do more research and update this post soon.
Check your browser console. If any JS error occurs, the javascript of this addon will not load.
Yeah already did that no issues, just not wanting to work for me. I'm in the middle of upgrading anyway to 1.4.3 so ill try again later when i get the update finalized, its been a while since i upgraded haha. 1.2.5 atm
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