Lack of interest Stateless Architecture

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It would be great for Xenforo to have a complete stateless architecture, which would also allow to easily have it hosted high-available, this would include:

  • Object storage first (maybe via Flysystem) - has to be available out-of-the-box
  • With above, abolish the use/need for data/internal_data (use caching layer for templates)
Maybe more stuff that needs to change that I have not thought about?
Upvote 1
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Hmm, this seems to be already possible with very little effort - you just have to sync code cache to every node.
Everything else (data/internal data, cache, db) can be scaled.
ouch sorry no. Yes I know its possible, because there is a S3 plugin around as well, however, my request is about:
  • stateless FIRST development, not through hacks or 3rd party addons, it should come out-of-the-box
Syncing code is painful and not really best practice :) (maybe 10 years ago ;) ). Not talking about cache or db, those are out of the hands of xenforo anyways.

So again: YES, it is possible currently with hacks (or even just having a shared NFS mount on all frontend servers), this request is about doing this natively within Xenforo.
Ah okay. I must be doing smth. wrong then as we are running XF 2 on a cluster without hacks or 3rd party Add-ons to support this and without NFS mounts :)
The fact that internal_data is holding some "magic" in it, which if deleted completely breaks the forum (until "master data" is rebuilt) is unfortunate.
I think the ask here is to give the option of keeping that in the cache, which in those cloud-native deployments would be e.g. memcached or ideally redis (makes it possible to be persistent). However, I'm not sure if XF Cache has adapter for Redis.
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