Starting Over


Active member
I have been in the forum business since 1999 I currently use XenForo 1.5.18 and have data back to 2006 with many bad links, defunct image hosting companies etc. Hundreds of deceased users, Thousands of abandoned accounts, Google hates me :) and I want to clean up my act.

I have purchased the extension but the importer says version 1.4 but I am 1.5.18 can I still import to 2.2?

I am going to start over, all I want to keep is my users that have been here in the last 2 years and their account upgrades and my user groups and permissions

I want to dump all the content and start new
Is this possible?
Use the batch update threads and users functions to delete the content, then upgrade to 2.2.
Yea I know how to do that too , I just have so much garbage installed over the years from importing from different brand names I just wanted a fresh clean install of the forum with only my users/usergroups/account upgrades
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