Sportsbook & Betting Exchange

Sportsbook & Betting Exchange [Paid] 1.10.1

No permission to buy ($45.00)
yup that got it...

added this: betex=gi-usd


thanks a bunch!

I didn't care for the podium icon and 'betting exchange' made the tab too wide for me.
so i changed the icon to a book by changing to this:

in the style-properties&group=navtab_glyphs

that gave me a book, then for the betting exhcange i went into the phrases and

in phrases/nflj_sportsbook_betting_exchange.33923/edit&language_id=1
nflj_sportsbook_betting_exchange =  Betting Exchange
nflj_sportsbook_betting_exchange = Betting

so after that it left me with this:

I just think it looks cleaner

I REALLY like the new Betting exchange though and it's going to greatly increase activity
Last edited:
easiest way is to add this to Extra.css to hide the Tab.
.navTabs .navTab.betex {display: none !important;}

All the Betting Exchange links are also included with the sportsbook sub nav (if you have permission to view the Betting Exchange).

View attachment 135380

This information was posted in the implemented suggestion thread:
Bob would it be possible to change the code to hide the sportsbook nav link instead of the betting exchange? Also, is there a phrase for the betting exchange to change the title?
I'd prefer separate options for each navigation link. I didn't want the exchange to have its own, so I have to disable the code event listener and add my own Bets tab using Siropu's custom tab addon.
@Rambro nflj_sportsbook_betting_exchange
Bob would it be possible to change the code to hide the sportsbook nav link instead of the betting exchange? Also, is there a phrase for the betting exchange to change the title?
The Betting Exchange Navigation TAB currently uses the shared phrase: nflj_sportsbook_betting_exchange.

This is changing in the next release (Sportsbook 1.8.3).
  • Sportsbook Tab Phrase: nflj_sb_nav_tab_sportsbook
  • Betting Exchange Tab Phrase: nflj_sb_nav_tab_betting_exchange

Hide sportsbook tab via CSS
.navTabs .navTab.sportsbook {display: none !important;}
Is there a tutorial for users?
The only things USERS can do is place bets, like events/comments and post comments. You shouldn't need a tutorial for that. To place a bet, they click on "Place Wager" and set an amount and submit.

If you are asking about tutorials for BOOKIES, then yes, there are threads at the support forum that you could copy for your own site that explain how to create events, create outcomes etc.
I recieved two errors in the backend the other day. I've never seen this before or aafter.

here's the error message

ErrorException: Division by zero - library/NFLJ/Sportsbook/ControllerPublic/BetCommentReply.php:59
Generated By:***, Monday at 8:37 PM

Stack trace:
#0 path_to_site/html/library/NFLJ/Sportsbook/ControllerPublic/BetCommentReply.php(59): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(2, 'Division by zer...', '/var/www/vhosts...', 59, Array)
#1 path_to_site/html/library/NFLJ/Sportsbook/ControllerPublic/BetCommentReply.php(28): NFLJ_Sportsbook_ControllerPublic_BetCommentReply->getCommentReplySpecificRedirect(Array, Array, Array, 5)
#2 path_to_site/html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(351): NFLJ_Sportsbook_ControllerPublic_BetCommentReply->actionIndex()
#3 path_to_site/html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#4 path_to_site/html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#5 {main}

request state:
array(3) {
["url"] => string(59) "web_path_to_site/betting-exchange/comment-reply/12/"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
Im pretty sure that this was reported by @SneakyDave (in the bugs forum at the support site) months ago and was fixed right away. Can you verify which version of Sportsbook you are running (SB 1.8.3 is the latest release).
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