splash page


Well-known member
I am interested in setting up a splash page via index.php and then have XenForo activated via splash page. How can this be done. My install is in the ROOT.
I'm using a Page as a splash/home page.

It gets loaded automatically when someone browses to the domain so the name and location of it are irrelevant really.

You can just type the domain, domain/home.php, domain/index.php, makes no difference, they all resolve to the same URL.
I have moved my system to /community folder.. I have lost links to avatars, thumbs, and Media library from the XenMedio addon. Please advise.

NOTE: I can run my system from the root or from /community based upon URL setting in the ACP. The root install still maintains link to avatars, thumbs and Media library.

When I get everything all ironed out, I will clean out the root.
I have moved my system to /community folder.. I have lost links to avatars, thumbs, and Media library from the XenMedio addon. Please advise.

NOTE: I can run my system from the root or from /community based upon URL setting in the ACP. The root install still maintains link to avatars, thumbs and Media library.

When I get everything all ironed out, I will clean out the root.
My first thought would be to rebuild the caches.
ACP -> tools
Perhaps the thread, forum, and user caches.

edit: is this thread in the correct forum?
I didn't even notice which forum it was in yesterday :oops:

As long as your image paths are relative then it should all work.
See the FAQ with regards to moving installations and restarting the server.

For issues with any add-ons, you need to check with the author of the add-on.
XML files for playlists needed to reflect the new locations, and avatars were not transferred as expected. Totally resolved now... dont ever want to do that again... whew. AGAIN, thank you all for your help.
This meta code goes in the <head> section of html page. It provides for automatic refresh in 5 seconds, and loading a different page

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; url=http://www.domain.com">
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