Lack of interest Specify user group after user upgrade expires

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Well-known member
Currently you set a user group that a user promotes into when they are in a paid user upgrade. When that expires they are going to go back to Registered. I would like an option to specify a user group that they go into at expiration.

For example a user joins my site and becomes a Registered "valid" user. They are a company so they are going to buy into a Commercial member status allowing them to post in certain areas only. When the user upgrade expires they will fall into Registered status which actually allows them to post everywhere like regular members. I want them to fall back into a Commercial member expired user group so that they are restricted and displayed as an inactive commercial member until they renew the paid user upgrade again.
Upvote 1
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I too would like this functionality. I have a "Supporting Member" group on my forum which is a paid (yearly) upgrade. If they let their supporting membership lapse, I'd like for them to switch to a "Member" group so they can still access the Member-only areas.
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