Spam Cleaner


Well-known member
I would suggest to also put the feature "Ban Email Address" into the Spam-cleaner, in order to make it easier and faster to also ban an Email-address automatically from within the Spam-Cleaner.

Currently when using the Spam-cleaner, it does not ban the spammers Email-address automatically. So I need to go to the "Ban Email Address"-interface in order to enter the spammers Email.

Many thanks!
If you spam clean and ban someone, they can no longer register with the same email address as it is forever linked to the banned account.
hmm.... but if I ban a user via the Spam-cleaner, I do not see that "banned Email" in the list at

ACP > Users > Banned Emails

So how would I know whether the Email of the banned member is indeed banned ?
You are banning the user, not the email address.

It doesn't need to be explicitly banned.
The user is banned and the email address is linked to their account.
Is the IP-address also banned, if I ban a user via the Spam-cleaner ?

When the user is banned, is the IP-address also linked to their account ?

Or do I have to manually enter that IP-Address at:

ACP > Users > Banned IP Addresses
I think what is not clear is underlined below...

If a user is banned, their account is banned (their email address is part of their account details)
A user can not register with an email address already used by an account (they also can not register with an existing username)

So on banning an account, if the user attempts to register with the same email address, they can't (because it is already used by a user, even if it is a banned user)

IP addresses are not considered part of the account details that can uniquely distinguish a 'user'
usernames/email_addresses/user_id/session_cookies do uniquely distinguish a 'user'

This is why email addresses do not manually need to be added, but if you wanted to ban the IP address, you would need to manually do it
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