XF 2.1 spam clean doesn't work


Active member

I have a limited user group that new posts don't show till a moderator approve them, but if you select spam clean in approval queue it doesn't delete those posts and it will not ban that user(s). It just refresh the page without any change.
Spam cleaning via the approval queue will use the default settings for the spam cleaner (configured in the ACP).

You will need to confirm that you have ban and delete set for it.

I have a limited user group that new posts don't show till a moderator approve them, but if you select spam clean in approval queue it doesn't delete those posts and it will not ban that user(s). It just refresh the page without any change.
I have the same problem! Must go to user profile -> Spam
Xenforo needs to do a review of its administrator functions! I had no idea that I would need to do a setup on spam clean. If they are spammers, they go straight to the dump with a report to Stopfurumspam.com. I must say that vBulletin administrator functions were efficient and easy to use, whereas Xenforo was written with the user functions given priority.
Spam cleaning via the approval queue will use the default settings for the spam cleaner (configured in the ACP).

You will need to confirm that you have ban and delete set for it.

I have the options set up correctly for it and can confirm it does not work as intended. 'Ban User' does not work at all. It deletes the thread but that is about it, it does not ban users even when set up correct and the ban user checkbox selected. I'm having to copy the users username before I delete the thread(s) then go into admin CP, search for user and manually change their user group from registered to banned.
Bans are not determined by user groups in XenForo. To add a banned user to a banned user group you need to setup a user group promotion to be applied when the ban action is used. By default there is no banned user group so you must have already created that. Generally a banned user group would be created for styling purpose or a specific need.
Bans are not determined by user groups in XenForo. To add a banned user to a banned user group you need to setup a user group promotion to be applied when the ban action is used. By default there is no banned user group so you must have already created that. Generally a banned user group would be created for styling purpose or a specific need.
Ok I will look into this. It may be a good idea to actually have a banned user group as default as every forum in the public domain which will be most will have the specific need to ban certain users due to the amount of bots and spammers out there.
Bans are not determined by user groups in XenForo. To add a banned user to a banned user group you need to setup a user group promotion to be applied when the ban action is used. By default there is no banned user group so you must have already created that. Generally a banned user group would be created for styling purpose or a specific need.
Ok I have just done this.

User group promotions > promotion options > add to user group > banned.

Apply this promotion while.... > User state is: Rejected

This works and adds them to user group 'Banned'. Banned user group does not have permission to use the contact form, however they can still use the contact form.

It is only when I manually change their user state from 'Rejected' to 'Valid' that they can no longer use the contact form and its because 'When in a user state other than valid, users will receive permissions from the unregistered / unconfirmed group'.

So while rejected users are moved to the banned user group and all other restrictions are applied the contact form permissions are still the permissions from the unregistered / unconfirmed group for some reason (minus form verification).

The unregistered / unconfirmed group does have permission to use the contact form and I currently have it set that unregistered / unconfirmed group have to verify they are not a robot when using the contact form and legit registered users do not have to verify so I receive very little spam apart from spam from rejected users.

As far as I can see there is no way to automatically change their user state as well as adding them to the banned group so it does not solve my problem.

Looks like I will have to have verification on the contact form for registered members as well as unregistered in order to solve the problem.
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