XF 2.3 How to undelete all posts by an accidentally spam-cleaned user


A moderator has accidentally "Spam Cleaned" a user with 1300+ posts.

I have lifted the ban, but the posts remain soft deleted. I have searched high and low, and I can't find how to recover all his posts. If I go to his user profile, "Postings" and click "See More" I can see a maximum of only 400 posts.
AdminCP. Logs > Spam Cleaner Log . Find required user, hit "restore". (Does not remove entry from StopForumSpam, etc., if you made one. That has to be done by correspondence).

For future ref, you can, I believe, set a limit on the number of posts a user has which, if exceeded, disables the spamcleaner. To avoid such accidents, since spam is most likely from a user with few posts.
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