Spam and Disposable email addresses

Spam and Disposable email addresses 0.4

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WoodiE submitted a new resource:

Spam and Disposable email addresses - Block many spam and disposable email addresses.

Xenforo doesn't easily allow you to add large numbers of email addresses to ban (such as vB) and thus must be added one by one. Using this add-on removes the need to add each email address one by one by simply importing a .SQL file into your database.

Total domains blocked: 647

What domains are blocked:

Read more about this resource...
Thanks @woei. I was able to add a just a few more from your list and a few other lists I've found and have just updated the resource. Grand total is 668 domains.
@Lexy, I can confirm this DOES work with 1.3.3. 10Minute mail uses dozens if not hundreds of domains as temp email addresses however, if the domain you are given from 10minute mail or any other service isn't in the block list then obviously it won't block that domain... If you have more domains I need to add to the list please send them to me and I'll be happy to update this resource.

You can view blocked email addresses in your XF ACP by going to Users > Banned Emails (under User Discipline).
@Lexy, I've found new domains 10minute email is using along with several other domains to block as well. Update coming in just a minute!
again this is not work ,, every email i check it works it is about 20 sites and this plugin not blocked nothing
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again this is not work ,, every email i check it works it is about 20 sites and this plugin not blocked nothing

Anyone else able to replicate this issue? I've not had any success in replicating the issue on XF 1.3.2 or 1.3.3.
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