Lack of interest 'sorter.js' Improvements

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Well-known member

Sometimes you need to explicitly set a container for dragula. So, instead of this in sort.js:

init: function () {
   this.dragula = dragula([this.$target[0]], {
      moves: XF.proxy(this, 'isMoveable'),
      accepts: XF.proxy(this, 'isValidTarget')

I propse this:

init: function () {
   var container = this.$'container') ? this.$target.find(this.$'container'))[0] : this.$target[0];

   this.dragula = dragula([container], {
      moves: XF.proxy(this, 'isMoveable'),
      accepts: XF.proxy(this, 'isValidTarget')


For example, when it is super useful when using XF.ListSorter on <xf:datalist ..> tag. Datalist tag adds a few more containers: table and tbody tags.

So the only way to use it is to extend XF.ListSorter, which resulsts in creating a .js file:

this.dragula = dragula([this.$target.find('.dataList-table tbody')[0]], {
    moves: XF.proxy(this, 'isMoveable'),
    accepts: XF.proxy(this, 'isValidTarget')

Not cool.

With proposed change the only thing we need to do is to add data-container=".dataList-table tbody" attribute.
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Also, we have .js-blockDragafter class for preventing dragging element after the element with this class.

But there is no .js-blockDragbefore class for doing the same when dragging element before the element with this class...
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