Some questions


Well-known member
Firstly blame @AzhriaLilu for me being here! I'm trying to get her to sell me her old vB license but she keeps telling me to get XF! (Anyone else selling one?)

I want an easy life for a new project (was just going to use a theme from my old site) but I dunno, Azh got me onto vB and she loves XF so maybe I should give XF a closer look for this project. I do like XF, but I don't have time for the learning curve (mainly on customisation - as my forums are always very heavily customised) but anyway, I have a few questions about features I can't see on the default install:

Thread icons - can we replace the avatars showing on forumdisplay with thread icons? The ones that give a status of a thread, such as new post, hot post, you posted in this thread etc

Forum subscriptions - I couldn't see this, and it would be a must as this new project is a support type forum where people will want to subscribe to forums.

Reply by email - Many of the users to this site will be used to mailing lists, is there (or will there be) a way for users to reply to threads by email?

MarkDown - As the project will be about Ruby, most of my users will be used to MarkDown, are there any plug-ins or plans to accommodate this for/with bbcode?

What's new/recent activity streams - I really like these, but feel they are missing auto-updates like twitter (and vbspy). Any plans to add this functionality?

Viewing forum - I like this on forumhome, any chance it will be added? it gives the sense of activity, and stops things looking quiet or stale imo.

Twitter integration - if you're gonna have FB then Twitter is a must imo, any plans for this?

I think that's it for now, any general thoughts about porting over vB styles also appreciated!

Just being pedantic but Rubyists wouldn't actually use the code I posted earlier, we'd do something more like:

show_hot_icon if thread.posts > 50

It is possible, I'm sure of that. If you want to show the icon in the Forum View, then you can use the "Replies: X" function and check if the X is greater than 50.
I don't feel like looking it up now, but it's possible for sure :)
It is possible, I'm sure of that. If you want to show the icon in the Forum View, then you can use the "Replies: X" function and check if the X is greater than 50.
I don't feel like looking it up now, but it's possible for sure :)

Cool no probs - I'll look up the details when I get stuck in. I'm just making sure I'll be able to do everything I want right now, and that there aren't any show-stoppers - looks good so far tho!
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