XF 1.5 [SOLVED] Users lists in ACP - by date?


Well-known member
Hi, I'm wondering what I need to show the user list in the ACP by date of registration? It only shows alphabetically.

Basically, my client wants to be able to add the new members to the mailing list, but can't see who are those new users.

Besides, are new members automatically added?


Anyone knows the answer to this?

To have a sorting order per registration date in the ACP Users list, is it a matter of me inserting a code somewhere? Os is there an addon you know of that could do this? I did a search but couldn't find anything so far...

They're both part of the search for users page.

It's actually on the "Advanced search" page, and all the way at the bottom, which is not intuitive or convenient.

Why not add the ability to sort on the All Users page? Also, if you're sorting by Join date, then you should be able to see the join date right in the list, without clicking on the individual user to find out when he joined.
It's actually on the "Advanced search" page, and all the way at the bottom, which is not intuitive or convenient.
Why not add the ability to sort on the All Users page? Also, if you're sorting by Join date, then you should be able to see the join date right in the list, without clicking on the individual user to find out when he joined.

I second that! :)
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