Soft Responsive [Deleted]

That template isn't modified by style. Probably you didn't set facebook configuration. You can change it in admin control panel -> options -> facebook integration.
i have it configured.. it works in Default style


I use XenPorta .. but it will take sometime to get ready.. will show you once it is done
Another excellent tip by the Developer for those who prefer to have smaller gaps between tabs:

smaller gaps.webp

Use following in the extra.css

.navTabs .navTab { margin-left: 10px; }
Well there's one issue.. Google ads served through digital point ad positioning or Rotating ad breaks the layout in mobile devices.. it'd be nice if these could be supported.

[edit: will ask for support in Artodia instead]
Well there's one issue.. Google ads served through digital point ad positioning or Rotating ad breaks the layout in mobile devices.. it'd be nice if these could be supported
Is your ad included via <script src="whatever" /> with dimensions handled somewhere else? If that's the case, nothing can be done about it.

If ad dimensions are set in forum code, you can dynamically change it based on current window size. Something like this:
var adSize = ($(window).width() > 700) ? 'full size' : 'small size';
.. and the rest of script
What sizes are you using?
Stewart am using 728*15 and there's one more with 728*90

Is your ad included via <script src="whatever" /> with dimensions handled somewhere else? If that's the case, nothing can be done about it.

If ad dimensions are set in forum code, you can dynamically change it based on current window size. Something like this:
var adSize = ($(window).width() > 700) ? 'full size' : 'small size';
.. and the rest of script
well this is the script.. so looks like the answer is yes :(
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "ca-pub-*******";
/* Digital Point Ad positioning */
google_ad_slot = "677888888";
google_ad_width = 728;
google_ad_height = 15;
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "ca-pub-*******";
/* Digital Point Ad positioning */
google_ad_slot = "677888888";
if ($(window).width() < 730)
    google_ad_width = 468;
    google_ad_height = 15;
    google_ad_width = 728;
    google_ad_height = 15;
<script type="text/javascript"
Change dimensions in first set (468x15) to one of available ad formats you can use on mobile devices.
Very handy bit of code.

Is it possible to stick another option in there?

Would it require another 'if' or an 'elseif'?
My finger is hovering over the Buy button - the only thing stopping me is that I just know I'm going to get many users moaning that it's too pale! I personally love the way it looks, but some people seem to really struggle with low contrast styles (i.e. ones where each box/element doesn't stick out like a sore thumb). Is it easy enough to modify the basic colours once this theme is installed? For example, set a static background image, then change the main colours to something a bit darker?

Many thanks. :)
If you know your way around Photoshop, it can be done. All main style components are in PSD file available on download page.
If you know your way around Photoshop, it can be done. All main style components are in PSD file available on download page.
I do know basic Photoshop, but I'm surprised to hear this. :confused:

So is everything in this style bitmap images; you can't just change it to a darker style by modifying the colour values in the Style Properties? Not a criticism btw - I just want to make sure I understand what work is involved in modifying the style before I buy it. :)

I have somewhat similar concerns as sforum. I have a flexible style that has been modified quite a bit. Is it worth it to get your style and change it so it looks like the current style or should I wait for the add on that you mention?
Here is my current site

Also, have you thought about using css3 for all the gradient background images? I know we spent quite a bit of effort on that aspect for the flexible style.
Thanks much
Huge amount of users still use old Internet Explorer, the bane of all web developers. IE8 visitors share is more than 20% on some forums. Using only CSS3 would exclude those visitors from being able to use forums.
Sod it; bought it anyway. :p

Uploading now. Had a quick look at the PSDs while the files FTP over - just a tip for others; I have basic Photoshop knowledge (i.e. I can create my own banners/buttons/pictures of cats with "LOL" written over the top/etc,), but opening the enclosed PSD confused me immediately. I would say one needs 'intermediate' Photoshop skills in order to make use of this aspect!

As I say, not a criticism; just letting others know for info. :)
Installed; looks great. Initial feedback from my users if fantastic. :)

I currently have a Google AdSense banner above the top breadcrumb. Is there any way I can display this in the header, to the right of the main Header Logo? There is a lot of space there, and I would like to make use of it and reduce vertical scrolling by placing the ad there, if possible.

Thanks. :)
You can put it there, but then ad will have to be hidden on lower screen resolution. In logo_block template find
            <span class="helper"></span>
and add your ad before it, wrapped in div:
<div id="logo-ad"> your ad code here </div>
and add this to extra.css to hide ad on mobile devices:
@media only screen and (max-width: 700px), only screen and (max-device-width: 700px)
    #logo-ad { display: none !important; }
You can put it there, but then ad will have to be hidden on lower screen resolution. In logo_block template find
            <span class="helper"></span>
and add your ad before it, wrapped in div:
<div id="logo-ad"> your ad code here </div>
and add this to extra.css to hide ad on mobile devices:
@media only screen and (max-width: 700px), only screen and (max-device-width: 700px)
    #logo-ad { display: none !important; }
That's brilliant thanks! Not quite right, though - that does display it in approximately the right location, but it sticks it to the very top of the page. Is there any way to centre it vertically, so that it is centred perfectly between the Moderator bar along the top, and the Nav Bar?

Thanks for your swift responses; it really is a credit to you as a developer, and makes me even more glad that I coughed up for this style. :)
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