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Social Network Authentication (Twitter, Google, 1.0

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Tercent has just updated QQ international, WeChat, Weibo and their other apps and it now includes Tercent SSO.
Tercent QQ alone has 800 million users. Tercent WeChat has 300 million. Tercent Weibo has 500 million users. Tercent has a load of other applications which have the Tercent SSO authentication.
Adding Tercent SSO authentication to this addon would add a service used by 1.5 billion users. This is bigger than Facebook.
Tercent has just updated QQ international, WeChat, Weibo and their other apps and it now includes Tercent SSO.
Tercent QQ alone has 800 million users. Tercent WeChat has 300 million. Tercent Weibo has 500 million users. Tercent has a load of other applications which have the Tercent SSO authentication.
Adding Tercent SSO authentication to this addon would add a service used by 1.5 billion users. This is bigger than Facebook.
I can't find any information about Tercent SSO authentification D:
Blocking Chinese people makes sense for websites that are locally oriented. The same goes from Blocking Russia, Africa or the rest of Asia. However that is not completely relevant as WeChat is also widely used in the western World and growing fast. The fact that some webmasters are blocking Chinese users does not mean Chinese software needs to be blocked. I have not encountered significant malicious activity from China in the last decade, while my big board gets over 3 million unique visitors per month. I think the main reason to block China is that Chinese search engines like Baidu send loads of spiders eating up bandwidth, while Chinese traffic is not interesting to locally oriented websites. I would not call that malicious. Yahoo! does the same.
Similarly, VK is supported because its the main Russian social network. (228 million users) The same webmasters who will block China will likely block Russia as well.
Blocking Chinese people makes sense for websites that are locally oriented. The same goes from Blocking Russia, Africa or the rest of Asia. However that is not completely relevant as WeChat is also widely used in the western World and growing fast. The fact that some webmasters are blocking Chinese users does not mean Chinese software needs to be blocked. I have not encountered significant malicious activity from China in the last decade, while my big board gets over 3 million unique visitors per month. I think the main reason to block China is that Chinese search engines like Baidu send loads of spiders eating up bandwidth, while Chinese traffic is not interesting to locally oriented websites. I would not call that malicious. Yahoo! does the same.
Similarly, VK is supported because its the main Russian social network. (228 million users) The same webmasters who will block China will likely block Russia as well.
Alright well I'd be happy to incorporate it, however I simply cannot navigate those sites. :(
Quick question, if I already have the Facebook integration setup within Xenforo do I also need to set it up with this plugin? Or can I just do Twitter and or Google and it will use the built in Facebook info already configured?

Also lets say hypothetically this plugin doesn't work anymore, will those users be locked out or can they just reset their password if they cannot use Google Plus or twitter or Facebook to login?

When i try to connect via twitter, i accepept app and when it send me back to my website, i have
Invalid access token

any idea?
It doesn't work for me please help.
here what i did:
1. I instaled TMS (and did nothing else with this plugin)
2. installed "Social"
3. opened , click "register app", choose "Web Application", ok.
4. in Options / social network integration entered "Google Client ID" and "Google Client Secret".
5. Logged off and tried to log on. There are NO GOOGLE BUTTON.

Then I went to google again and tried enter different fields:


it did not help. Nothing worked.

Then I went to twitter, created new application, generated Consumer key and Consumer secret.

Entered it to the admin console, clicked "save", logged off, tried to log on and... as you may guess: Nothing worked.

there are no new buttons in log on screen

Please help
Hello @guiltar I set up everything correctly and has installed TMS too, but those Twitter Login button & Google wont show up in my registration overlay
Only the default Login with Facebook button that shows up

Any idea why?
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It doesn't work for me please help.
here what i did:
1. I instaled TMS (and did nothing else with this plugin)
2. installed "Social"
3. opened , click "register app", choose "Web Application", ok.
4. in Options / social network integration entered "Google Client ID" and "Google Client Secret".
5. Logged off and tried to log on. There are NO GOOGLE BUTTON.

Then I went to google again and tried enter different fields:


it did not help. Nothing worked.

Then I went to twitter, created new application, generated Consumer key and Consumer secret.

Entered it to the admin console, clicked "save", logged off, tried to log on and... as you may guess: Nothing worked.

there are no new buttons in log on screen

Please help
Hello @guiltar I set up everything correctly and has installed TMS too, but those Twitter Login button & Google wont show up in my registration overlay
Only the default Login with Facebook button that shows up

Any idea why?
What xenforo version do you use? and what social addon version do you use?
You dont need TMS for XF 1.2.x, and use this version for XF 1.2.x:
do i need to uninstall TMS and social before installing thes one?

I uninstalled both TMS and Social, reinstalling as suggested above,,,
Last edited:
You dont need TMS for XF 1.2.x, and use this version for XF 1.2.x:
thank you very much, the buttons are visible now! Big progress!

Unfortunately twitter complais about

Whoa there!
There is no request token for this page. That's the special key we need from applications asking to use your Twitter account. Please go back to the site or application that sent you here and try again; it was probably just a mistake.

and google complais

Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
The redirect URI in the request: did not match a registered redirect URI

I guess the answer might be somewhere in this thread...
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