Social Connect (for Facebook and Twitter) [Deleted]

I purchased/installed v2.2 and immediately after activating Social Connect, get the following condition ...

* Multiple (8-10) php5-fpm server threads sitting at 30% CPU usage each
* Site returning to the browser an Nginx error message
* Lots of these appearing in the server error-log:
2012/12/18 19:57:41 [error] 42700#0: *20593 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream, client:, request: "GET /threads/make-a-netrider-splash-screen-to-be-seen-by-thousands.141054/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:"
* Nothing in the XF server error logs

Once I disable Social Connect, the site returns to normal. Any further diagnosis information I can provide?
This doesn't make any sense.

My add on doesn't do anything that would cause these issues.

What is the nginx error message you mention?
top - 20:53:59 up 12:11, 1 user, load average: 10.15, 3.90, 1.52
Tasks: 121 total, 9 running, 112 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 98.3%us, 1.6%sy, 0.0%ni, 0.0%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.1%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 4040904k total, 3565360k used, 475544k free, 92120k buffers
Swap: 1952760k total, 85360k used, 1867400k free, 223000k cached

2297 mysql 20 0 1358m 860m 4620 S 154 21.8 869:14.35 mysqld
16191 www-data 20 0 472m 184m 16m R 31 4.7 0:12.18 php5-fpm
16192 www-data 20 0 475m 183m 11m R 31 4.7 0:11.00 php5-fpm
16196 www-data 20 0 376m 84m 11m R 30 2.1 0:03.70 php5-fpm
16195 www-data 20 0 416m 125m 13m R 29 3.2 0:06.40 php5-fpm
16193 www-data 20 0 430m 137m 11m R 26 3.5 0:07.11 php5-fpm
16194 www-data 20 0 428m 136m 11m S 25 3.4 0:07.04 php5-fpm
16190 www-data 20 0 475m 189m 17m R 25 4.8 0:13.67 php5-fpm
16188 www-data 20 0 522m 230m 11m R 24 5.8 0:15.45 php5-fpm
16189 www-data 20 0 492m 208m 20m S 24 5.3 0:14.41 php5-fpm

An error occurred.

Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.
Please try again later.

If you are the system administrator of this resource then you should check theerror log for details.
Faithfully yours, nginx.
And this happens instantly after enabling the add on?

Within 1-2 minutes, yes. I have to open library/config.php and disable all listeners to be able to access the site again. Disable Social Connect and then re-enable all listeners.
Activate Social Connect again, and it occurs within 1-2 minutes.

The 154% CPU usage by mySQL is indicative of anything?
The add-on doesn't really do anything out of the ordinary with regards to MySQL.

I have this successfully running on and the site was running great even with around 700 simultaneous visits the other day. There's also not been any other issues reported.

That can only leave one thing: Some sort of bizarre clash with another add-on.

Would you mind listing your currently enabled add-ons?
That can only leave one thing: Some sort of bizarre clash with another add-on.
Would you mind listing your currently enabled add-ons?

Sorry for the delay, family and work can sometimes take a priority over our passion for our online communities :)
Screenshot of Add-Ons attached.

It shouldn't conflict as such. It just might duplicate the functionality.

My next version will allow the admin to choose which features are available. e.g so you can disable the status updating if you don't want it or would rather use the functionality elsewhere.

Maybe MG2S will do the same, I don't know :-)
Hi Chris

Apologies if this has been discussed already...

I've just installed the Widget Framework and added the recent status widget to the sidebar. It includes the option to update your status from the widget and the small twitter icon shows as you would expect there.

I've un-ticked "Tweet your status updates" from the Social Connect options but the twitter icon in the sidebar is still showing blue (as if it's connected). Everywhere else you can update your status is shown in red, as you would expect.

Any ideas?

Probably a bug. It would be safe to assume if it is unchecked in the options that the status will not be sent.

I have actually fixed this no doubt in version 2.3 which will hopefully be released this week. It has a reworked section that allows you to check or uncheck twitter and Facebook for each status update meaning you can override the options each time.
Can you add LinkedIn to this? A lot of forums are business related and people would like to connect to their LinkedIn profiles. I think it would add a lot of value to the plugin. Great feature to have!
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