Skimlinks better than viglinks?

I think Viglink and Skimlinks are basically the same thing. I honestly have had decent luck with viglink. I honestly never knew about skimlinks till the one post in the off topic forum that lead to the other forum software's site and touting how they teamed up with skimlinks.
Hey GR,
Yes, we are similar in many ways, and you will no doubt do well with both. Main differences are that we have SkimWords, an optional additional service, that finds product references and turns them into links to where the item can be purchased; we have offices in London and San Francisco providing support as well as a large support and account management team. Good luck!
On the back of this discussion I signed-up for Viglinks and installed the javascript snippet at my site.

There doesn't seem to be any noticable delay in page loading, and I'm pleasantly surprised at how many clicks are being recorded and generating revenue already (I know it's not final or anything, but it's great to see some income for doing ... well ... nothing much really!!!).

The stats are showing around 14% of my clicks are affiliated, which I assume is a relatively average figure for a cycling related chat forum (other subjects might well generate more).

We'll see how it goes over the coming months, but I expect I'll be installing it on my other XF based forums too.

Shaun :D
I've been thinking about looking into these 2 for a few days now, but yesterday I got an email from someone at viglinks, so we're currently in discussion with them
I have integrated skimlinks and it works just fine I don't even notice it there and mind you I scrutinize harshly as I have no desire to monetize my forum particularly now or when I finish my planning and building so seeing it seamlessly integrated with the links is really nice and I just may keep it there...:-)

I am wondering if I can create an if condition to call that .js right before the body's closing tag telling what pages are appropriate to include skimlinks on? Anyone got a clue?

On the back of this discussion I signed-up for Viglinks and installed the javascript snippet at my site.

There doesn't seem to be any noticable delay in page loading, and I'm pleasantly surprised at how many clicks are being recorded and generating revenue already (I know it's not final or anything, but it's great to see some income for doing ... well ... nothing much really!!!).

The stats are showing around 14% of my clicks are affiliated, which I assume is a relatively average figure for a cycling related chat forum (other subjects might well generate more).

We'll see how it goes over the coming months, but I expect I'll be installing it on my other XF based forums too.

Shaun :D

Hi Salty and Shaun,

Feel free to give Skimlinks a try as well, its just as easy and you can see what works for you best. We'd be delighted to have you onboard, and you may find us earning more for you. Regardless, I wish you the best of luck!
And yes, 14% affiliated clicks is quite good.

CEO - Skimlinks
Hi Salty and Shaun,

Feel free to give Skimlinks a try as well, its just as easy and you can see what works for you best. We'd be delighted to have you onboard, and you may find us earning more for you. Regardless, I wish you the best of luck!
And yes, 14% affiliated clicks is quite good.

CEO - Skimlinks

Pepsi challenge

Viglinks vs Skimlinks

Thank you for applying to use Skimlinks on your site!

Our Approvals Team will now review your site to ensure it meets our participation requirements.



You only got 300 link clicks for that amount of traffic. Something very wrong there (unless you don't have very many links on your site?).

I'm averaging 200-300 clicks per day from around 8000 visitors.
More image based, and the 300 is affiliate links; not total out-links if you were mistaken.

I don't think I was mistaken Salty, I realised the links in the report were only the affiliated links being clicked, but still ... 300 affiliate clicks over 6 days seems incredibly low when you're averaging 15,000 visitors per day??!!!

My daily average outgoing affiliated clicks are three times more, for half the traffic, so your daily totals seem low in comparison.

Maybe it's just down to the different content on our sites, but are you sure the Viglinks JS is loading for every page?

Shaun :D
I think a lot of it is what links are affiliated and your sites theme or niche. If you have a lot of people that link to stuff that people buy like on ebay it is pretty easy to do alright. I am only averaging maybe 2,500 uniques a day with 35 - 50 affiliated clicks a day and most weeks average $400 in sales generated. I have had a couple weeks where it has been over $2,000 generated sales.
Just signed up with viglinks as they contacted us, which I thought was nice as I had been thinking about which to go with, but the fact they contacted us made me think that perhaps there's something good they can offer. Now just gotta wait a few weeks and see what our stats look like
Just signed up with viglinks as they contacted us, which I thought was nice as I had been thinking about which to go with, but the fact they contacted us made me think that perhaps there's something good they can offer. Now just gotta wait a few weeks and see what our stats look like
And wait for months to get paid. I started with them late Jan. Still waiting for a little check.
And wait for months to get paid. I started with them late Jan. Still waiting for a little check.

It does take a while to get the first initial payment, pretty much like any ad company's terms but once you get the first payment you are paid every month. Google adsense is one of the rare ones that pay in shorter terms as long as it is over $100.
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