Sketchfab BB Code

I'm not sure whether here is the right place to post.
Just wondering, any support for embedded sketchfab in the future?

this is a very cool to show 3d model...
Sketchfab - The place to be for 3D
You could probably do that already with a custom BB Code (there's already a BB Code in the embed options for images on the site). If you can't make it yourself, you could always ask JoshyPHP in his BB Codes media add-on thread.

s9e Media BBCodes pack
@Jake B. err... doesn't hurt to ask ;)
well I mean if this does not get that complicated to add, it may be useful for others too, perhaps potential customers :)

@Martok thanks for the info, I will try to have a look that BB Code... I'm not a programmer... I will check it out first
I'm not sure whether here is the right place to post.
Just wondering, any support for embedded sketchfab in the future?

this is a very cool to show 3d model...
Sketchfab - The place to be for 3D
Their embed code is pretty straight-forward and you can create a simple code with no add-ons, etc.

Go into your ACP and then on the "Home" tab select "BB Code Media Sites". In the top-right corner click the "Add BB Code Media Site" button. Use the following values on the form...
  • Media Site ID = sketchfab
  • Site Title = Sketchfab
  • (optional) Site URL =
  • Match URLs ={$id}
  • Embed HTML =
    <iframe width="640" height="480" src="{$id}/embed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" onmousewheel=""></iframe>
    <p style="font-size: 13px; font-weight: normal; margin: 5px; color: #4A4A4A;">
        via <a href="{$id}?utm_source=oembed&utm_medium=embed&utm_campaign={$id}" target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1CAAD9;">Sketchfab</a>
  • Click "Save BB Code Media Site" button at the bottom of the screen.
That's it. Now when viewing the models on the Sketchfab site, like Low Poly Hero Robot Rigged and Textured by MrBfox - 3D model, just copy & paste the URL (eg: into your posts (or click the media button in the editor) and the model will be shown (example at Alien Soup).

If you want a true "sketchfab" BB Code, as opposed to using "media=sketchfab", then you'll need to look at an add-on or alternative method.
When I use the media button, it does not work though... it showing a broken IMG
When you use the media button, what exactly are you copying & pasting? I just tried and when I paste the URL into the pop-up box it works as expected.
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