XF 1.5 Simplified JSON representation of alerts


Well-known member
We are looking into adding an alerts popup to our external Wordpress installation. I know that we can load the alerts via AJAX by hitting the account/allerts-popup URL (https://site.com/index.php?account/...8f89b5432ae29fd4931555e6&_xfResponseType=json) but the JSON that it outputs contains HTML tags and etc... and isn't suitable for including in an outside system. Is there a URL we can hit to receive a simplfiied representation of the alerts, something that we can parse more easily? I can write a plugin to do this if I have to, but if there is some URL built in to XF that can do it for me, that would be even better.
Even if there was something like that, the xf token refreshes on page load, so you wouldn't be able to simply grab the alerts.
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