Duplicate Signature editor stripes images


Well-known member
Affected version
On an XF demo account, the default admin user has permission to add images to their signature;

The 'insert image' also fails, and pasting in the following bb-code, then toggling bb-code only mode on and off causes the image to disappear;

gif of the toggle bb-code mode;

gif of the insert image failing;

(Thanks @The Dark Wizard for the gifs)

Happens on XF2.1.2 and XF2.1.3
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@Chris D

I assume the Frola version is a newer this site, because toggling the bbcode button doesn't strip it. I can't test the Insert Image preview because we don't have that permission here, but yeah. Broken on every site I've visited that is using 2.1.3 that isn't this site.
It will be the same bug that is fixed in the next release. There’s a sticky with a patch at the top of the bug reports forum.

We may or may not apply the fix to the demo. 2.1.4 is due sooner than 2.1.3 took.
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