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Signature Badge Script

  • Thread starter Thread starter Floris
  • Start date Start date
Sorry for the mega bump, but I got bored and created a generator for my sig aswell.

Probably loads of bugs in the script, not done any extensive testing, and only tried the site in Chrome :D

Looks good. :) Wonder if I should developer another generator... :D Yours are nice because they're clean, and they render fast (no fancy corners, custom gradients, text shadows, etc.). :)

One thing I noticed is that the 'text' option renders with a solid background, so it's going to break on sites with other styles. You should really try to make the background transparent. :) Love the element drag and drop, and how you can add custom strings.

It would be really cool if you would release the source code for the generator, even though you said you weren't going to release it before. :)
About the 'text' colour, that was created in about 5 seconds, and it looked horrible with transparency so I gave up with it completely, I added it there because it kind of works on this site, despite the fugly separators :D

My actual image generator will stay closed source, there's no real reason for this, I've just never felt comfortable sharing my code unless it is necessary. I've seen your code (before you went crazy with drawing everything in GD) and our solutions are pretty much identical.

Mine render stupidly fast, just clicking random options of my link generator and watching it generate the live previews is pretty nice :D

Also, I love jQuery :D
I've made my own badge much more simple. It's much less annoying and distracting now. :) If anyone wants the code, just let me know. :)
is that transparent or a white bg? transparent it seems. guess I need to work out how to make it look less ****
is that transparent or a white bg? transparent it seems. guess I need to work out how to make it look less ****
Transparent. If you want to get a transparent bg, for your drawing canvas just do this:
$overlay = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);

//these will allow you to use alpha blending with this layer
imagealphablending($overlay, true);
imagesavealpha($overlay, true);

// assign a fully transparent color
$trans_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($overlay, 0, 0, 0, 127);
// fill the image with transparency
imagefill($overlay, 0, 0, $trans_color);

// you now have what is essentially equivalent to a new layer in Photoshop:
// fully transparent and ready to accept text/images.
yeah, that's what I was doing before, but the text was looking absolutely terrible. Tried it again and it works fine, must have been doing something stupid before
Sneak peak for something I'm working on... :D

You just have to one-up everyone don't you? :p
Actually this was an idea I had from the very beginning, but I just kind of let it go. When you posted your generator it inspired me to start working on it again. :)

And yes, it is a bit about aiming higher and building something better than the last person. Friendly competition can do wonders.

Although understand that my attitude is very friendly and collaborative. I don't simply want to be "the best". I want to aim higher and see if I can do something that hasn't been done before. This is why I release the source code for everything I make: so others can get ideas/build on what I've made and hopefully repeat the process and build something better. :D

(Sorry if it sounded a bit grandiose or philosophical - I just thought I would better explain my attitude/intentions. :))
Can't wait for that sexy thing your making, and anyway I can get the code for the one you are using now? If so can you also make a lil howto on how to get it working lol, I forgoteded.
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