Showing Online/offline on membercard


New member
Hello everyone, i would like to show if the user is online/offline/invisible on the membercard. I already have it in threads, but can't find a way to do it in the membercard (with an image or juste with text like 'online' or 'offline')

Anyone developing an addone for this? Would be great!
Ok thank you Jake, i did my best but seem i'm stuck in mud and i dont know what do to ! i dont know where to begin or dont have any idea :confused:, any clue for me? (n) to begin with?
oups...sorry, i just edit my last post...not use with xenforo and those code, i'm learning for now..i change some of things, but for this one...oups...i dont know where to begin...
might have to do a donation:)
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